Forum Post: How OWS wins.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:29 a.m. EST by psyshrike
from Dumfries, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Most of the OWS positions stem from a long systemic neglect of article 1 section 9 of the U.S. Constitution by federal courts. Recognition of abstract entitities (Corps, LLCs etc.) under the 14th, and and pseudo-deputization of the same non-organic entities endows redundant and cumulative sovereignty thereby creating a superclass of citizen, which violates the intent of the "titles of nobility" clause.
It is the duty of lords and barons to collect taxes, look after the welfare of their serfs while raising military resources from them. Where do employees pay their taxes, get their healthcare, and contribute their labor to corporately dispersed political donations? Just because you don't call somebody a CEO instead of "lord", doesn't mean the state hasn't endowed them with the same basic powers.
U.C.C. and criminal code circumvent the intent of article 1 section 9, not in any single place, but in the absence of its consideration throughout. Thus courts have broadly supported violating article 1 section 9, due to their being little argument for proving something that is only defined by its absence in the collective-whole.
The way to fix this is to call for an amendment to the constitution, to clarify that the scope of the 14th amendment applies only to indevidual_human_entities. Doing this ends protection of corporate cash donations to politicians under the 1st amendment. Second it facilitates piercing the corporate viel in cases where psudeo-deputized corporations violate the 4th amendment on behalf of state agencies.
THE ONLY THING OWS NEEDS TO WIN: Is the words "indevidual human" attached to the 14th amendment in some form. That is all. Almost all of the other positions of OWS would subsequently be achieved through the normal course of litigation that organizations like the ACLU, and the EFF do every day.
These problems were created in the courts, and will be fixed in the courts. The only thing OWS, and by way of them congress need do, is prime the pump.
My point, was OWS has been criticized broadly for having no focus. To have focus, you have to have ONE concept that covers all your bases. This is one such concept.
OTOH, perhaps the propagandists are right. OWS has no focus, and is really just a bunch of opportunists leading a bunch of lesser opportunists who are just bitching like twelve year old girls, and have no cohesive intent or message.
The moderates are either going to help bail you out, or help lock you up. The difference will be decided by whether OWS breaks the cliche, which to date, hasn't happened. Pick one thing that is BIG, be loud and clear about it.
Otherwise your message is going to get swallowed up and prostituted by mainstream media, and your "movement" will just be a smelly hippy concert without the music.
So all you need is an amendment? Who knew things were that easy?