Forum Post: How Our Banksters Screwed the World
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 9:43 p.m. EST by suyabaa01
from Milford, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If there would be one article that I would recommend it would be this:
Guest Post: As The World Crumbles: The ECB Spins, FED Smirks, And US Banks Pillage
The author eloquently explains HOW OUR BANKSTERS SCREWED THE WORLD. If you don't have time now, please stash it and read it thoroughly when you have time. After then, for the fun of the day, you may consider this short video.
Hitler finds out about the Eurozone crisis (from Andrew G's post on the same article):
Thing is, under National Socialism, I doubt Germany would allow speculation in derivatives and phony AAA ratings. Hitler was opposed to the "Jewish banking system." One of the NAZI party program planks was to abolish interest.
(Europe & the world would be a much different place if Hitler had his way -- think, Iron Curtain . . . it's a lie that he wanted to rule the world, he wanted living-space in the east and to conquer Bolshevism. He also wanted to send the Jews to Madagascar much like many would like to send the Muslims out of Europe today.)
Laws were changed by corrupt/ignorant politicians which legally allowed the pillaging. Courts have ruled that the rating agencies had a First Amendment right to rate the bonds AAA.
Regarding your first sentence, I applaud that initiative. Please see my just resent post regarding German's position on national debt [ ].
I think there are SEVERELY EVIL individuals such as ] that has severe negative impact on the human race (think of Africa: so many are in great suffering because some idiots bet on food commodities). I don't know what motivates them to do so. In the end, we all have at most 100 years of lease on the earth and can take nothing with us. The question is, with that much of power, would you like be remembered as one of the greatest human beings or a monster. Those above choose poorly.
Re: your 3rd sentence, may I suggest the video series I recommended on this page [ ] – in reply to LSN45. You will see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
We need a Nuremberg type trial for these criminals. The minimum penalty should be 35 years in prison.
100% AGREE. Without any penalty this will replay.
I just posted another article related to this one that shows the difference between working and corrupt capital democratic systems.
Hi suyabaa, Good Post. Banksters have committed crimes against humanity, and should be dealt with as such. Best Regards, Nevada
Then I MUST suggest you the video link in my reply to LSN45 (below) – Renaissance 2.0.
This material will lift the veil that we've told and blindly accepted how the world works. It will show you the actual world we live in.
Hi suyabaa, Thanks for additional info.
For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for (both on the right and the left). Don't get distracted by the symptoms - we need to address the root cause. Concentrating our efforts on getting the money out of our politics is the best way we can create an environment in which further reforms can be realized. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the LAP DOGS of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - End the LEGALIZED BRIBERY!!! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!
The picture is bigger than that. Can you please watch this educational movie series and let me know what you think:
Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History - Financial Empire:
This is the starting session and there are 11 sessions. Each is less than 10 minutes and linked to each other.
It's really important to understand the bigger picture. I will post it later for greater awareness. The whole world pupation has a stake in this DEBT-MACHINE system.
I heard her book "It Takes Pillage" is great. She worked at Goldman if I'm not mistaken.
Could be. Could you please also read my comments above (in reply to LSN45).
So sad, I wonder who is gonna stop this insanity and when?
We the 99% – when we reach the unstoppable threshold. Until now the DEBT-MACHINE worked under great secrecy. As we learn and spread our knowledge, they will be exposed increasingly more. As we pass a certain threshold, this system will naturally collapse under the unrest of the People.
I must say, please read my comments to LSN45 above. You must watch that educational video series and spread your knowledge. It's crucial for our success. And I promise it's the best educational material you have ever watched – as you are ready to learn the truth.
That threshold you speak of I hope is imminent because the "debt machine" is still working under great secrecy and if you read some of the more notable economists, like Noriel Roubini, William Black, Simon Johnson and many more they are saying we are on the precipice of a financial calamity. I don't think the financial markets are gonna wait for the 99% to reach that threshold. If the 99% is gonna succeed, they have to resolve to take radical action ASAP.
I think the collapse is good: it will be the ultimate cleanup machine. It start happing in Europe (with Germany — see my most recent post: ).
Once that debt-machine collapses on its own greed, we can hope for the new beginning. And that beginning could be as close as 2012. How about that?
Yes, the collapse, as undesirable as it is is absolutely necessary.
I'll spread these links, but we are only filling in the backstory, they exposed themselves when they got greedy and created a system where the debt slavery has become very easy to spot since, often as not, it no longer comes with any durables (house car) or even trinkets (a lot of great memories from your wild 20's or a smoking wardrobe) to hide the reality from the citizen debtors :0) Same on the national level-- no one complained of debt when it came with infrastructure/a safety net/ or even just or just justifiable wars. When it comes with 10 years of war that profited only the 1%, cost us freedom for no gain in security, and came with a shrinking safety net-- the house of cards is out in the open and easier to see.
The use of debt to perpetuate a system of wage slavery was easy to hide when it was called the American dream and citizens got a house and a comfortable lifestyle out of it.
They fucked up a little when they pushed a consumerist culture and made debt acceptable for non-durables, but most folks were wise enough not to dig too deep a hole and the debt appeared manageable.
But they fucked up big time by creating an entire generation where half have accrued debt that will take them until middle age to pay off and leaving them high and dry with no job market and the other half are left with mainly service jobs that don't pay enough for them survive much less imagine a future where they may thrive, and where what credit they have went to make up the difference between their pay and the cost of living and while it may be lower, paying off is as insurmountable as the education debt of their cohorts.
Well, call me fool but I'm hopeful. People don't know that debt-machine YET. They could never imagine a betrayal of that magnitude from their own government that founded on principal: "by the people, of the people and for the people." When they learn it — hear this:
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." — Henry Ford, American industrialist
They sure fucked up. In fact the race now is between the debt machines around the world. When US uses its World Reserve Currency status (Chine is building East Pacific Bank to steer clear from the US debt), our debt machine will start to hiccup and come to a halt.
Then please read my comments to mvjobless above – or click on this link ( )
Love your posts! Keep up the good work!
I have a recent post, you may like it.
Tq. The next learning session is in the link above (my comments to LSN45).
This educational video series MUST BE THE WAKEUP CALL FOR ALL WORLD NATIONS. I mean it.