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Forum Post: How much did the banks get bailed out with?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 8:56 p.m. EST by whataboutmensrights (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Its hard to visualize 700 billion dollars, so here is a good tool to understand how much money 700 billion dollars really is, if you spent 1 million dollars a day, since jesus was born, straight through to 2010 you would have spent just under 700 billion dollars.



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[-] 1 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

No it was MUCH more than $700 billion. The recent Fed audit showed they gave "loans" of many trillions of dollars. In some case the money went to bail out foreign banks. You have to remember that the banks are overleveraged (debt to cash ratio) by a huge factor. They have trillions in derivative bets that are highly risky.

[-] 1 points by johnynpu (15) 13 years ago

There is a whole bunch of things going on. The tax payer is paying big time. Its unfinished and fraud is so gigantic.

We have 24 million foreclosures by 2015. Its a huge mess of criminality and fraud never seen before in the history of the world.

These banks are run by banking families and corporate elites and they pay the media to spin lies. So its very hard find out the truth behind it.

The CEOs of the pension funds vote in the boards that put in the CEOs in get the crazy pay for failure that the pension funds own. This crazyiness goes on. The key is that its not there money , thats why they do not care about it. The disconnect between the 401k members in the pension funds and funds that invest is the problem. There is a huge mess up. The SEC was destroyed and one stand out is Mary Jo White, Former AG is working to protect the criminality in wall street. Its a gigantic out of control. Thats why its so hard to know much. Its so much going on. Its gigantic. We have 50 Ags investigating the banks about MERs. Its in court now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oX6yJikRVQ

[-] 1 points by johnynpu (15) 13 years ago

No its worse then that. Its alittle complicated to follow the money trail. Its money gone wild. We all know about the 700 billion TARP. The banks did not pay it back with there own money. They paid it back with Tax payers money. Search 1.2 trillion in secret loans to the banks. The bank secrecy act means that we probably will never know the exact amount above 1.2 trillion. In the congress one congressman asked if they had lent out 9 trillion. The inspector general of the FED said she did not know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXlxBeAvsB8