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Forum Post: How many times did negligent and misleading Banks and Wall Street schemers profit from Toxic Mortgages? $ Loan Origination $Selling Misleading Mortgage Investor Pkgs Designed to Fail $ AIG Default Insurance, Derivative Profits when bet against ALL

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 8:45 p.m. EST by FedWallFedWellFedUP (183)
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How many times did negligent and misleading banks and wall street schemers profit from Toxic Mortgages? $ Loan Origination fees $Selling Misleading Mortgage Investor Pkgs Designed to Fail $ AIG Default Insurance $Derivative Profits when bet against ALL and there's a taxpayer bailout out in there somewhere



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[-] 1 points by ZombiesAteYourBrains (23) 13 years ago

As many times as the Democrats told them to with their "fairness" laws. The Democrats are responsible for the ruin of the big banks. Thanks dimwits for making this the longest and severest recession sense the Great Depression.