Forum Post: How many innocent people/freedom fighters did we kill this week?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 10:28 a.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If there were another country running around my town, and they demanded access to my home due to internet activity like this, they I would be shot and killed.
My family would horrified, the other country would just claim I was an insurgent.
This is going on in 7 different countries, and MUST STOP. Our gov is out of control, killing 3rd world people for more defensive positioning for WWIII.
It will never be enough for the maniacs that allow our government to do this....
Well our soldiers of peace just violated a sovereign nation's border by "accidentally" killing 24 of their soldiers in that country...
Ya, AlQaida attack us solely because they hate our freedoms... rolleyes