Forum Post: How long will it be OK ( allowed to happen and continue ) for a nations government to slaughter it's people?
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:38 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Syria, Nigeria, Somalia etc. etc. et-sickeningdepraved-ia .
How can this be allowed to happen, how can it be allowed to continue.
Just WTF good is the UN when all they do is moan about how terrible something is, but then do nothing material to stop it. This is not the job of the United States or any other singular Nation/Country.
Stomp on the Rabid Governments and protect the population that is being murdered. Do this in unity of action, not a unanimous decision, hell no, the right decision, HELL YES!
Swiftly strike down any Rabid Government Force that is involved in killing their population. What is so hard to understand about this? Then support war crimes hearings for any survivors of the Rabid Government.
Fast track to New World Order/Single Opressive Gov't = give UN a standing army. Despots exist, Genocide will happen and slavery continues. The people as a whole have to rise and overthrow thier horrible govt. Life is hard, wear a helmet.
So give the UN mastery over any nation?
I wouldn't give the UN mastery over a hotdog cart. The UN is a corrupt bloated entity which will never make the world a better place.
How about no Boots on the ground just map and target the offending governments military hardware. Let the civilian population have a chance.
then listen to everybody bitch about collateral damage? If war was pretty, easy or fun we'd do it all the time. Wait what? nevemind.
Tell that to Paki, Afghan, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, and somolia.
Throw in a few unkonwns for good measure...
This is my intent in this post. To tell rabid dogs that I am working to see them put down whenever and where ever necessary. I am hoping this will be a popular message delivered by many.
They are prevented from taking action.
Oh, and the Peace Keepers are only able to defend themselves.
Oh, and my favorite........the US sends money and then all the countries that don't pay........send people.
And not a damned thing is done.
Regular Charlie Chaplin game of cops and robbers in the mad chase. It sucks and it is not good enough.
No Man's Land
The above movie shows exactly how the UN peace keepers work.
The U.N. is bureaucracy at it's finest. But are we to be the worlds policeman?
No! As I said above:
Just WTF good is the UN when all they do is moan about how terrible something is, but then do nothing material to stop it. This is not the job of the United States or any other singular Nation/Country.
The Syrian military will have to be fought and the UN does not have an army. So even if it is UN backed (which it won't be unless China and Russia change positions) it will still likely be made up of many American troops.
In this case if we were to get funding. We could blow-up every single large piece of military hardware on the ground ( artillery and Tanks, armored personnel carriers, Military supply trucks etc. ) This alone would allow the civilian population a fighting chance.
Oh I agree. I think the majority of Occupy would be against another US involved war though.
I think that if it were handled properly. Straight up honesty and intent prior to going in. Hell cover it world wide let the Rabid government know that the hammer was falling unless they stopped immediately. Getting the other supporting governments on board with public announcements pledging support and funding to stop a systematic murder of innocent civilians. Then I think it might meet with approval. Especially with all of the video coming out of the area.
I agree. But the U.N. has always been an expensive, impotent joke. But many amerikans, mostly liberals it seems, still look to it for utopia.
It is like any governing/ruling body. It needs direction and guidance from the people. In this case the people of the World. Our end of it would be communicating what needs to be done to our government and sharing the ideas and communications with our neighbors around the world. The worlds people developing consensus for them don't let them tell us what the consensus is.