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Forum Post: how i would change america

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2:17 a.m. EST by judenewcomb (14)
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a simple plan that could end corruption as we know it.



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[-] 2 points by irv (5) from New Bedford, MA 13 years ago

The government should sponsor political adds and give equal space or time to legitimately nominated candidates for them to express their platform.

Campaign financing should be through taxes and the corrupt money would be taken out of it.

[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago

I was TRYING to wait out my stupid, arbitrary time limit to post a goodbye, but flashcards is annoying me :) that's actually, usually a good thing. It means I'll think new thoughts. Likely not what flashcards would have me think, but think just the same.

Here's my fairwell post, which this site said I had to wait some bizarre, arbitrary lenght of time to log:

Maybe someone nice will repost it as it's own post?

SUBJECT: Why this forum fails US, all of us... BODY: Looking through a few posts, reasonable, rational, honest posts... I see nearly all contributers have negative approval.

That's despite the FACT, that most write sincerely. CLEARLY there are trolls here. Bought and paid for, or just bored, angry people with nothing better to do... I don't know or care.

PLEASE don't take anything personal here. What's REAL is who you really know. The opinions, words, and actions of those you care for matter, not the annonymous drivel that is the pseudo-discource of the internet.

I care for all of you, and wish you the best in this struggle.

...just don't take ANYTHING online too personally. It's not.

People here don't know you, a thing about you, and certainly NOT your heart.

This is my last post. This site is an epic fail.


[-] 2 points by awhite (2) 13 years ago

Kick lobbyist out of every branch of government. Private interests have no place in a Republic for the people.

[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

Do you want a Republic? or a democracy? there is a difference.

[-] 2 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

True or Direct democracy, classically termed pure democracy, is a form of democracy and a theory of civics in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate.

Republic - A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch

i would have to go with more towards the latter, but just replacing congress' power with the people who have that balance

[-] 1 points by irv (5) from New Bedford, MA 13 years ago

One demand from the occupy movement should be to ensure the people get the candidates they most want representing them into office through a Constitutional amendment mandating Instant runoff voting: http://www.fairvote.org/what-is-irv

[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

I prefer the former, why have any decision made by Just one person? are 2 heads not better than one? Democracy requires NO monarch or president. Power is solely vested in the people.

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago
[-] 2 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

I completely agree, in fact this was the topic of my Graduation paper in Politics in 1992. I in fact suggested that we should have paid actors present the merits of each new idea and show that on a public info channel, with every person voting each night after they had had time to digest the info. Here is a short list of the difficulties I could not resolve, that made this idea impractical.

1) Voting Fraud... Hackers etc.

2) Recent attempts to limit voter fraud have led to suggestions like a drivers license being required to vote. For Many this suggested requirement is seen as an impediment to a lot of voters. I think requiring everyone to have access to an I-phone; or some other technology on a daily basis, my be considered more of an impediment.

3) Who do you put in charge of this system to regulate, monitor and prevent abuse? Elected representatives or paid dictators.

4) Everyone's info would have to be included in this system, and all of this info recorded... IE a real Fast Track to the Big Brother state, as in point 3) who do you put in charge of it?

5) And most depressingly.... People are motivated for very short periods of time.. While you might have good participation on something like a WAR, turnouts for farming legislation will be a little lower. Unfortunately advertising will play a huge role, and we all know who makes the best ads, the rich... Rupert Murdoch and the like. Worst of all on quiet days special interest groups can simply pay poor people to vote the way they want them to, or do junkies loose the right to vote?

So there you have it, the problems I could not resolve... Good Luck. Hope you have a better time with it than I did.

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

i'm gonna work on it. there are definitely questions that would need to be answered, but that's why i threw it out there. i'm glad you thought of it as well. gonna respond to your questions after i think about it. thanks

[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago

Use votesmart.org to determine who your representatives are (Fed, State, local) and SLAM them with calls, fax's, emails. Tell EVERYONE you know what they're doing, not doing, how they voted on issues that matter to your community.

I know... civic responsibility 101, but how many are doing these things?

Everyone has given up. If enough people bombard their offices, THEY WILL FREAK. They want to keep their cushy jobs. If they don't respect the will of THE PEOPLE, they will lose their offices.

...good luck to them selling books and speaking engagements, or begging for a lobbyist job, after all their constituents revolted.

I'm definitely too optimistic. It's a weakness, and a strength; one I'll never outgrow.

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

no, i can definitely get onboard with this and need to do more of it. you are right though, how many actually take the time to do this? and how many of said politicians will declare that all the calls were conspiracies started from across the aisle? they all need to go and replaced by no one but the people!

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

so direct voting on house bills by advanced mass communication

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

If we voted publicly with our names,

everyone would be able to verify the results

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

exactly! i was hesitant to write that the votes would be public, but i think it would be the only way to keep the integrity of the system in place. could the public be in favor of having their voices be public? that's the question on that. i know i would, but there are some very private people out there. i know my mom voted differently than her ex, but she never told him and told him she voted like he did. lol.

[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago


The struggle, the peaceful, meaningful, struggle, makes me happy.

Nothing else does.

We're human. We try, we fail. We learn, and try and try again.

We NEVER get it perfect, but we get it better... that's the struggle.

You care. That's where the struggle starts.


...but never stop struggling!

[-] 2 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

I'm sure we are headed towards something of the sort, perhaps not in our lifetimes but eventually. with the world of shit we are in at the moment it maybe better to focus on things we can achieve today, and get our old used car running again, then build a new one.

[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago

You are clearly technologically illiterate.

You would have NO VOICE in your imagined perfect digital age. (or perhaps you are a shill, who cares nothing about your words--I'll pretend you are real)

Only the most brilliant, who sadly are most often purchased, would have a voice in the scenerio you envision.

The internet was NOT designed to be secure. From its inception, the physical connections and terminals where MADE secure, not the protocols.

Much has been done to mitigate the weak architechure of IPv4, but not nearly enough.


There is no digital panacea of awesome, democratic goodness, not when ALL THAT IS DIGITAL can be high-jacked... effortlessly, by those with such skills. It sucks, but that's the world we live in, so deal and let go of that dream.

Life is a struggle.

There will be no magical broad stroke that makes all wrongs right.


[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

this is my plan of action. people complain that there are no answers to this movement of complaints. we have to start somewhere with ideas and work from there.

[-] 1 points by smallbiz (3) 13 years ago

You want to change America. How about instuting a spending cap on ALL elections, I would have Wal-Mart, Target, Matel and any other large corporation build factories in Mexico, not buy all of the goods we desire from China. I would also create free medical clinics in 25 of the largest cities. Any person receiving financial aid from the Government would have to "pay back" their debt by working at these clinics for a certain ammount of time.

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

i would do all of those things as well

[-] 1 points by Montanafreedom (1) from Havre, Mt 13 years ago

Part of solution. Need to get rid of all lobbyists. All laws and regulations must be for everyone, Polititians, Judges, lawyers. All PACS must be eliminated. Donations from individuals only. Funding for our Senators and representatives and president would be voted using your system for previous years accomplishments on Dec. 31 each year. As a middle manager in the government I had to sign a contract every year stating I would not purchase certain stocks or have a say in companies that I dealt with, why do our politicians not have to do same. Taxes are payed by the benefit you get from services. Those that make the most money because of our system should have to pay the most taxes.

[-] 1 points by irv (5) from New Bedford, MA 13 years ago

One demand from the occupy movement should be to ensure the people get the candidates they most want representing them into office through a Constitutional amendment mandating Instant runoff voting: http://www.fairvote.org/what-is-irv

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

yea, i agree. i just feel that there can be no change unless it is all changed. these politicians are so corrupt and have none of my opinions and views as a priority to them that i don't see how to even fix the car when so many politicians are backed by institutions and judges. when all the leaders view the system as working for them, why should they change it. and it's no matter who we vote for! it's so frustrating. i just want to see the people get the power. eliminating congress through revolution for me is an answer.

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

life doesn't have to be a struggle. and i know that there are people who support this movement that are much, much more technologically savvy than i, but i believe that this could be a way to eliminate congress altogether. we can use technology in our favor.

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

anyway, i'm open to critiques and opinions. thanks!

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

It would be interesting to see the results from a test run. Run tests // to congress and see what you get. It would be more interesting if congress didn't know the test was going on, but that's not really possible (?) so the put-them-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place and watch 'em sweat factor is worth the price of admission lol

Something that I'm sure will be discussed in Philadelphia: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 1 points by judenewcomb (14) 13 years ago

it'd be amazing to witness. a true democratic vote where all voices are heard. and i love philly. grew up in south jersey and went there all the time. thanks.
