Forum Post: ****How GE Money is literally killing my cat
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 11:37 a.m. EST by gemoneykills
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
GE Money Bank now owns more credit cards/companies than you thought. They also now OWN the health care system for humans and pets.
My cat needed emergency medical care on Dec 5. They wouldn't save his life unless we could get Care Credit or magically find $1200. Because of AGREEMENTS with GE Money Bank, vets are not ALLOWED to offer payment plans or extend credit. It keeps big banks from more money! They told me they would just let him OVER 20 VETS.
Read the story at:
You can help donate FREE MONEY. Won't cost you anything but a few minutes- found a way to make GE Pay for it! Please help Bolt live! Don't let him die for Christmas as an innocent victim of corporate greed!
It would be difficult if not impossible for this monopoly to exist if were not decreed by government that banks be able to create credit out of thin air. In pre-creating credit out of thin air dollars, the service would have cost you roughly $60.00 (all other things being equal).