Forum Post: How Does It Feel to be Mind-Numbed Puppets and Robotrons?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 5:48 a.m. EST by THElardbutt
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Excreted from the bowels of Kalle Lasn, mindlessly chanting .... "We are" we are ,,, we are ... "Somebody" somebody ,,, somebody!!!
This is how Occupy Wall Street began: as one of many half-formed plans circulating through conversations between Lasn and White, who lives in Berkeley and has not seen Lasn in person for more than four years. Neither can recall who first had the idea of trying to take over lower Manhattan. In early June, Adbusters sent an e-mail to subscribers stating that “America needs its own Tahrir.” The next day, White wrote to Lasn that he was “very excited about the Occupy Wall Street meme. . . . I think we should make this happen.” He proposed three possible Web sites:,, and
“No. 1 is best,” Lasn replied, on June 9th. That evening, he registered
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Try thinking for yourself in a business environment. If you aren't the CEO then you are always someone's puppet.
Here is a quote that stuck in my head for some weird reason.
Life is like a tree full of monkeys. The ones at the top look down and see nothing but smiles. The ones at the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.
When the time is right, a spark will suffice - relevant quote to your question. If it didn't resonate with people, it would have gone nowhere.
Kind of like Hitler, huh? The time was right for a fascist dictator, and the masses followed.
Or like Martin Luther King. But you probably would have killed him if you had the chance, huh?
Happy Thanksgiving Old Leftie. Get some help for yourself! Sliding scale mental health treatment is available at many community mental health centers! That means it is probably free for you!
Your friend: THE Lardbutt!
notice, however, that our friend doesn't deny that he would have killed MLK. Not saying that he would have, just sayin'....
LOL. This is why I love this web site. It is so wild and crazy. I love old lefties, and I love OldLeftie.
All America celebrates Thanksgiving and all its citizens, even OWSers who have hatred of this country. We have given much, have liberated many, tolerate all, absorb the hate in the hearts of some, venerate those who contribute, and move on to great works. Happy Thanksgiving, America!
of course, let us never fail to honor those first celebrators, those great precursors to our present ruling class, who, with God on their side, forged forth to escape the sinfully liberal culture of England to found a new society where they could freely practice their religion while denying freedom of religion to others; where they could happily exploit the new land, and the soulless savages they of course had the right to evict; and where they could joyfully celebrate a true Thanksgiving before turning to the serious business of burning witches.....
Burning witches ... strawmen ... uhh, this is what OWS seems to be about.
Tell me again, what is this all about?
still, no denial, and now a blanket statement that OWSers hate America. Such lofty words! Of course, Hitler used similar rhetoric... hmmmmm
A positive disavowal: I believe in peace for all, and only words should be used as swords.
sorry, but once words are used as swords, the real swords inevitably follow. Had you not started your argument with an insult ("Excreted from the bowels of Kalle Lasn", and instead pursued your critique with the equanimity you now are presenting as your weltanschauung, this entire conversation might have gone differently, and your point might have found us more receptive...
Ooops, maybe I'm a Nazi after all! I do believe in ritualized violence in the form of verbal debate.
yes, maybe you are a Nazi after all.
I believe in ritualized violence in the form of verbal debate Or MMA. For the uninitiated (as I was, until this year), that means mixed martial arts. I think it involves a cage in the middle of auditorium with screaming rednecks in the audience.
I believe in ritualized violence in the form of the Code Duello. I find MMA to be the modern equivalent of the Gladiator games, and consider anyone who enjoys it to be at best a crypto-Nazi. Verbal debate in which so called "fighting words" are exchanged is to me as violent as an exchange of blows. Face me with courtesy or a sabre. Face me with derision and be prepared to back that derision up with something physical. Anyone who enjoys MMA had better be prepared to enter the cage, otherwise s/he is nothing more than a sadistic coward.
Isn't that what we are doing? I really have never seen MMA except in a movie my friend did. Just got back from Naples and Sicily, so I will acknowledge that there are legitimate grievances to be addressed, and multiple paths to resolution of these grievances, including Duello.
Something physical? Maybe a chef cook-off! Nothing more physical than that.
you can't have it that way. If you allow for unmoderated insult in any verbal exchange, you are going at some point to end up with physical violence. That is just a given. To restrict that violence to a fencing match at least reduces the intimidation that a physically more gifted person may have over a lesser, but objectively more deserving of victory, opponent. Otherwise, it's just plain effete. If you're not ready to defend an insult with more than words, you'd better be careful whom you insult, or be ready to accept the fact that someone whose opinion you value is sure to consider you a coward, even if you don't.
My Weltanschauung und meine, nicht, unsere Zeitgeist.
You obviously have a great disdain for people, why waste my time?
look at his nick, it answers all questions about his self esteem and his ability for critical thinking.
Right you are. I should have known better than respond a backside of whatever weight.
Happy Thanksgiving, Robbed!