Forum Post: How does anyone hide $2.3 trillion?
Posted 12 years ago on July 10, 2012, 7:37 p.m. EST by JackHall
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Remember Rumsfeld reported that the Pentagon lost track of $2.3 trillion in 1 year during peace time. I'm sure government contractors are involved.
Rumsfeld and DOD $2.3 Trillion [right click]
How does anyone hide $2.3 trillion? Bank bail-out, unregulated derivative markets, two foreign wars, oversea investments, and $15 trillion national debt.
Tony Robbins Explains the National Debt 15 trillion dollars [right click]
It’s past time to start screaming, yelling, impeaching the President and shutting the US Government down. This should have started 9/12/2001. Since Romney isn’t talking about this, he isn’t even thinking about solving it. The Republicans allowed this to happen by doing nothing about Pentagon accounting problems found in 2001. Tony Robbins makes $2.3 trillion sound like loose change when compared to the Federal budgets today.
Compound interest may be part of the problem. Compounded interest should be eliminated retroactively, if possible. Void and rewrite the contracts. How much of the national debt is represented by compounded interest?
Compounding interest creates wealth without doing any real work. There's nothing to show for it except a mathematically inflated bank account without an exchange of tangible goods or services. If compounded interest cannot eliminated then it should be implemented to create more wealth for all of us.
Eliminating compounded interest might stimulate the economy because capital would have to be used to pay for goods and services to workers instead of sitting in a bank vault gaining interest.
If the rich and investors had lost $2.3 trillion in 1 year there would be screaming and threats to close down Washington DC. Would they be bailed-out? Senators were screaming and yelling, but on the day after Rumsfeld’s announcement 9/11/2001 Terrorist attacked. There was no yelling and screaming or threats by the rich and investors to shut the US Government down when Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon had lost that much money. Instead Bush went to war against two enemies half-a-world away, who had not attacked us, and gave the Pentagon even more money, while giving the rich a tax cut with the blessings of the Republican-controlled US Congress.
How much corporate welfare is paid by the government? Can the government manage without big business? There will be a learning curve.
Tennessee Valley Authority 1936 [right click]
This is why there needs to be more jobs created in the public sector to keep the economy growing by performing work that big business isn't doing. Or competing with big business to control costs and stay within the budget.
The focus could be more on people instead of profits. And eliminating fraud.
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