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Forum Post: How do you feel about the fact that Colbert made us look like idiots?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 12:43 p.m. EST by WolfmansBrother (5) from Union, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One of the main things you learn in business is if you want people to listen to you, you need to speak and act be on the level they can relate to. So do you really think for those of you who watched last nights segment on Colbert Report that it really represented us in any sort of credible or educated manor?

The business men don't care about what were doing until it affects their business. The way they operate is through meetings and deliberation, not a free for all discussion about everything and anything. They respond to a general leader or spokesman, which we have none of.

I'm in support of what you guys are doing, but now I'm not so sure. If we want things to change we need to do it on the level of the people possible of making those changes.

Since when did OCCUPY WALL STREET turn into an open consensus of whatever that individual feels is wrong? I'm not discouraging anyone else's causes, and I'm sure a majority of the topics are in some way related to OWS, but it's causing the message to become clouded and the movement to become de-railed.

And if were all individuals with our own voice then what's up with these stupid hand signals? Are we cheerleaders or educated adults with serious concerns. Voice your goddamn opinion.



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[-] 7 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

yes it was hilarious - and it did - sadly - show how juvenile our "process" looks to an outsider. We can ignore the outsiders - like Kerry ignored the swiftboaters - and wind up losing like he did. We need leaders more dedicated to our goals than the all important Saint Process

[-] 4 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago

There you go again, making sense. Purely speculation, but I think Colbert is for the movement. That said, I think he may have wanted us to see how we are viewed from the outside as a warning. When I saw the large main-page post about the drumming, I thought it was the most ridiculous waste of time I'd ever seen. Of course, the community will have issues, but can't we keep the childish in-fighting to ourselves. We need every person we can get to support this thing and then to use them to make change to the system that is still holding the purse strings and laughing at us.

[-] 1 points by djapollo2k (10) 13 years ago

I agree. Colbert is a supporter. If a movement can't laugh at itself and take some constructive criticism it is in deep trouble. I can't think of two people (the female body and her friend) I would least like to represent Occupy. But they got some laughs. She had cooool glasses:)

[-] 1 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago

I agree. Ketchup was funny.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

my friend wondered why not just thumbs up, down and sideways

hey steve

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

only followers need leaders,.

[-] 3 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

And every intelligent human being on the planet should recognize that in a functional society there are always situations where it's beneficial to be a follower.

[-] 4 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

This movement is being steered by kids hell-bent on marginalizing themselves. But the conversation is in the air, now. When Occupy flames out and begins to reconstitute itself as an adult movement, the larger ideology will still be here.

Consider it progress. Cultural shifts don't happen from one movement, and they don't happen in one year.

[-] 3 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago

I feel like your\'re right. The waiting is hard, though. lol

[-] -1 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

I fear what you call adult is simply sellout. These "kids" are all ages and thinking outside of the box.

[-] 3 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

Well, let me assuage your fears. "Kids" is not an age, it's a state of mind. And they're not thinking "outside the box." The box is the false dichotomy of leadership = corruptible individuals vs. headless = incorruptible. The box is the false dichotomy of organization = oppression vs. decentralization = freedom. The box is the false dichotomy of hierarchy = privilege vs. chaos = equality. They are thinking entirely inside the box, and they are dug the Hell in.

What they don't see is how many people have given up on them. They think that dissenters leaving the movement entirely is better than dissenters occasionally being overruled. They don't see how their past failures were avoidable - from the original permit controversy to the stupid drum circle dust-up to the more recent abysmal failure to deal with the generators being seized. They think that just because everyone they can see is buying in, that means everyone is buying in. But they haven't left the park, even just to get a temp check on the real world. Too bad for them.

[-] 1 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

Are you setting an example of how you believe everything should be done and if so is that making you happy?

Permitted protest is an oxymoron.

I don't care how many mistakes they have made they are motivated by love, not greed. They have done more good than harm.

Most (all?) of the critics of this have not set an example of a better way--so they are basically windbags.

[-] 1 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

No, permitted protest is NOT an oxymoron. That line of thinking is uncritical. If you think we actually live in a military state, I invite you to visit Syria. Otherwise, understand the difference - ask yourself what legitimizes power in the US. As of right now, it is not the military. Get real; this isn't a movie.

I agree that they are motivated by the right intentions. If good intent were enough, crimes of passion would be a celebration of moral justice. Are you ready to make those kinds of statements? That the consequences of your actions don't matter as long as your heart is in the right place? Get fucking real. This isn't a movie.

This is exactly what I mean by "kids." You have no idea what you're doing - you are performing a script cribbed from Hollywood and indie art house flicks on revolutionaries and rebels. "Permitted protest is a - " fucking grow up and get real.

Fuck. Ok, I'm done venting. Get with it.

[-] 1 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

I have seen few movies.

"I agree that they are motivated by the right intentions." You are being sloppy here (I have done it before myself) in that I never said anything about intentions. I said they are motivated by love.

Is there bitterness and fear inside of you?

Those permitted protests didn't really shake people like the ows one's did they? Gandhi, King, all of them broke the law.

Can you honestly tell me that you are happy, proud of yourself, and setting a better example of how to live than the ows folks are?

PS it happens quite a bit that I, a middle aged man who was once homeless and who now works on the low rung of a Fortune 500 company is mindlessly assumed to be a 20 year old trust fund kid by some posters. It just shows a lack of openess and insight.

I don't just mean you hairlessOrphan.

[-] 1 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

I'm a big fan of civil disobedience - and I'm making this statement explicitly to challenge your perception of "permitted." I'll tell you again: you need to ask yourself what legitimizes power in the US. If you don't face that question, you're flailing aimlessly, you're throwing darts at the wall and hoping you hit the problem. If you don't face that question, you have no idea what you're fighting against and no idea how to fight it.

Do you think your cultural image of the dashing rebel is born unto you by actually watching movies? Come on, we don't have time to play semantic games. You don't understand how close we are, because you don't really understand what we're actually up against as human beings. There's a lot more than just Bad Guize Banx that we have a chance to challenge, here.

So you're a middle-aged kid. I'll say it again: kid isn't an age, it's a mindset. I never assumed anything about your age. I'm younger than you, but I still know better. You don't have to take my word for it, we will never meet in real life, no one's ever going to arbitrate this. I'm just telling you this so you're aware that you've still got some way to go. And, if you think it actually matters: why, yes. I do live my life as an example - I live it by sound morals, by empathy and compassion. If you think how I live my life is what matters, there's your answer. But note: this is not what actually matters here, and when you understand that, then we can talk about insight.

[-] 1 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

While there may have been some sloppiness on my part I still perceive some misperceptions on yours. I also see some truths.

I won't argue.

I too am a fan of civil disobedience.

I took "permitted" to be legal.

Again, I won't argue or even debate about whether I have a way to go.

I am probably wiser than I come across, and probably need to be more accurate and less lazy when I post--and yet--I do have a ways to go.

Take care and good luck.

[-] 1 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

It's fine; I have faith. If I didn't, I'd have been a lot nicer to you. But you don't need me to coddle you.

But still ask yourself... what do you think I mean when I say "permitted?" Who permits, in the US? How is power legitimized?

I keep stressing this point to everyone. It doesn't always work.

[-] 3 points by birdster9 (3) 13 years ago

For the record, I don't think you looked like idiots. I thought you looked like very thoughtful, intelligent people trying very earnestly to explain something that most people don't want to understand.

It's not hard to make fun of people who are trying to do something new and different. If there is a mistake here, it's in assuming that anything can be presented earnestly to Colbert without being eaten alive. The only defense against his sort of satire would be to acknowledge the inherently silly partsof the process (productive though they may be) before he did.

That doesn't make you less serious about the cause. It just makes you people who care so much about something that you are willing to endure silly things to get it done.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Agree, it was more like good natured teasing than a complete take down.

Having said that, if I was to design the hand gestures, I'd make two middle finger salutes the "I don't feel good about that" sign. And that would be more "real New York" than the jazz hands is.

Can I get a temperature check on that?

(Colbert's rectal temperature joke was pretty funny, that must be said).

[-] 3 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

Stop watching TV...

[-] 3 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

Colbert is with the protesters...Jeez..

Watch Max Keiser and he's not kidding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fiIiMSrRqDE#!

[-] 2 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

I love & support OWS and what it stands for.

Twinle fingers is silly. Reminds me of something you'd do in a day care center.

Image and messaging are important and need to be considered.

[-] 1 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

screw image--substance is what's important

[-] 2 points by DouginJax (40) 13 years ago

It is satire idiot.

[-] -1 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

satire with truth behind it.

[-] 1 points by DouginJax (40) 13 years ago

Ah double satire. Is that your contention?

[-] 3 points by SSJHilscher (75) from Madison, WI 13 years ago

Colbert can get away with anything due to his 'satire.' Republicans watch his show just like Democrats do because they project their own beliefs onto his format.

And in Madison we saw how much the Daily Show mocked our protests in February; while always walking on egg shells around the tea baggers, and holding their own moderate 'rally for sanity' attempting to neutralize the growing anger of the people by keeping the centre apathetic and complacent.

[-] -1 points by DouginJax (40) 13 years ago

I understand. I really do.

How do you take the wind out of sail? Turn the boat.

Turn off your TV dumbass.

[-] 2 points by SSJHilscher (75) from Madison, WI 13 years ago

I don't watch TV. -1 for assumptions.

[-] -1 points by DouginJax (40) 13 years ago

"And in Madison we saw how much the Daily Show mocked..." +2 for the reversal.

[-] 1 points by SSJHilscher (75) from Madison, WI 13 years ago

It's called being informed. I don't watch fox news either, but I have a large collection of them being busted on bullshit. -3 for pride in your error.

[-] 0 points by DouginJax (40) 13 years ago

I like that ''pride in your error'.

Do you watch TV? Or are you a liar? You said "I don't watch TV.".

Are you eating paint?

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

double dog, double down satire.

[-] 2 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

I have no interest in seeing that show.

I would like to share a few thoughts regarding the post.

"If we want things to change we need to do it on the level of the people possible of making those changes." You see that as congress or the senate? I don't. I see that as the good-hearted folks making their own way down at the park, and all the DIY folks across this globe that have taken their lives into their own hands and have quit begging those in power to help.

"...but it's causing the message to become clouded and the movement to become de-railed." There is no message. Everyone that is following their hearts and getting on with it are the message. We are the message.

"...what's up with these stupid hand signals?" Your question is unanswerable because it has a false assumption built into it. The hand signals are not stupid. They are effective. Ever flipped somebody off? They got the message loud and clear. Right?

To all those that think quantity is what matters--you don't get it. I heard one guy in one protest march who thought it was fine to lie if it made more people show up. I am not a part of whatever this guy is a part of. The means do not justify the ends. (edit--that should be the ends do not justify the means. Sorry.)

The ones down there that are for real understand this completely.

While the ones that don't understand are wondering how this can lead to something useful, the ones that do understand know that standing your ground and being honest are useful in and of themselves.

[-] 2 points by SirPoeticJustice (628) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Mixed feelings. You have to admit he is hilarious. But I find it perplexing because he made the republicans look like idiots too. It was great satire all the way around. The real idiots were two OWS representatives. The sad truth is, all organizations are corrupt on some level. And all empires are temporary. The real way to win is to absorb the enemy in a greater fight. Lao Tzu knew this. What is the one thing the 1% hate as much as we do? Richer folks then they are telling them what to do. It is the wealthiest corporations we need to be thinking about as the enemy, rather then the Jimmy Buffets of the world. Amen?

[-] 1 points by solidaritysister (1) 13 years ago

I think Colbert was making fun of himself. If he wanted to make fun of the movement, he would have aired footage of less articulate or more hostile occupiers. Instead, he showed a funny interview with dedicated, informed individuals who had a sense of humour but also maintained a serious tone throughout the interview. I thought it was well done. I also think he indicated, at the end of the segment, that he made a financial donation, finally "accepting" (but really expecting from the start) that it would be a no-strings-attached donation.

[-] 1 points by LibertyGal (1) 13 years ago

Gotta admit... it was funny when he dipped the sausage in the champagne!

But seriously... He was there to find out what OWS was about and all he got was how a GA is ran? You took it as a joke and you made OWS look like a joke. Nothing that OWS occupies for came across. As each day goes by, this all looks more and more like an excuse to sit around and do nothing with the occasional rally for the cause du jour!

[-] 1 points by bigdaddy111 (12) from Meadowbrook, PA 13 years ago

I support OWS, but Ketchup.....really? It was not too difficult to make those two look silly, sorry. OWS would be better served to come up with an actual agenda and some leadership. It just looks like a chaotic hippie festival. It's nice to finally see some folks upset, I've seen this coming for over 30 years. OWS will not accomplish anything, but it is a start. You will need to fight to beat the BEAST......smoking pot and playing bongos may be fun, but it won't change anything.

[-] 1 points by scarysmurf (1) 13 years ago

Watching from Michigan and I love Colbert but you must understand he is almost always in character. So while yes, he did poke fun, it is just what he does. It is ALL satire. So of course if he truly does support this movement you can expect to be made fun of.

And lighten up a bit.

And lets be honest, he did better than Michael Moore did with Piers Morgan.

[-] 1 points by frankharris (17) 13 years ago

Critics abound. Especially when the people stand up and try to say something that the "powers that be" do not wish to hear....Colbert's writers are no different.

[-] 1 points by bigdaddy111 (12) from Meadowbrook, PA 13 years ago

Colbert did make the OWS movement look silly. Perhaps that's because OWS has no leaders or direction. It's intentions are very good, just mis-guided. That's OK, eventually the people will learn the proper path and methods. It will just take time for this movement to mature. Rome wasn't built or destryed in a day/week/month, etc.

[-] 1 points by bigdaddy111 (12) from Meadowbrook, PA 13 years ago

Colbert did make the OWS movement look silly. Perhaps that's because OWS has no leaders or direction. It's intentions are very good, just mis-guided. That's OK, eventually the people will learn the proper path and methods. It will just take time for this movement to mature. Rome wasn't built or destryed in a day/week/month, etc.

[-] 1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Hate to say it but the OWS protesters are idiots... Every day that goes by, every ignorant personal agenda some one puts forth just proves that statement correct.

Why can't the OWS protesters and those that support the movement stick to the main goal of the Occupy Protests ?

"Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.

Are these 2 sentences to hard for people to understand ?

[-] 1 points by paulg4 (82) 13 years ago

Consider the source!

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

Be sure to watch the second part of that comedy segment tonight.., you may learn something.

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

The credibility of this movement was already lacking, even before Ketchup. The fact that this movement was started by and is being steered by anarchists, is the real problem.

This experiment in Direct Democracy by anarchists has been effective in attracting alot of attention. This movement has managed take advantage of every social/political/economic frustration to gain attention.

However, Direct Democracy in a park will not translate to the government of a country that is the greatest country on earth and leader of the free world.

Our Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, gave us a Representative Republic. No way is a group of anarchists going to improve on what our Founding Fathers gave to us.

I suppose the 98.99% should give proper credit to the anarchists for launching this experiment. It has helped us to discuss and speak out about many legitimate frustrations and problems in our country.

However, no OWS GA will ever take up the legitimate demands of the majority (ie: campaign finance reform, financial reform, corporate personhood) with the purpose of affecting change through government. Because this is not their goal. Their goal is to use the majorities legitimate frustration to gain support for one thing: Direct Democracy and some brand of anarchy.

I believe that 99.99% of people will reject Direct Democracy beyond the park. It is up to the 98.99% to move our legitimate issues with government out of the park. To work with government and through government to enact the positive changes that we want for our country.

[-] 1 points by Agent007 (12) 13 years ago

It was hilarious.

Here is a link to the clip on the show's site ....


Part 2 is tonight.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Thanks for the link.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

I don't have cable but I'd like to see this segment. Do you have a link or can you tell me when this Colbert segment aired?

[-] 2 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago

Don't know if you saw, but it got linked.

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

just do a search for the Colbert Report. His website has the full episode posted on it.

[-] 0 points by nikka (228) 13 years ago

OMG that's hilarious

[-] -1 points by mikedenis (49) 13 years ago

i want to run for the leader

[-] -1 points by dantes44 (431) from Alexandria, VA 13 years ago

LMAO. That was hilarious.

[-] -1 points by beardy (282) 13 years ago

He won't be able to make you look like idiots if you stop acting idiotic.

[-] -2 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

OWS was a mish mash of causes with no main goals from the get go.

[-] -2 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

He did not make you look like idiots, you have done that all on your own. Colbert only showed his viewers how inane this movement is. twinkles down on me.....

[-] 3 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

Rob is a nega-zombie,. nothing constructive is ever posted by him.

[-] -2 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

let me see if I can change that perception. Ok, here we go. Perhaps the people of OWS would be better served if they tried to assimilate in to the society that we have. Through hard work and determination they can achieve the personal and financial goals that their toils would bring to fruition. Maybe they should no longer play the part of victim and take control of their lives while allowing others to lead the lives they see fit.

[-] 1 points by jeivers (278) 13 years ago

wow reading your posts is like listening to the parents on Charlie Brown!

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

I believe you feel that way because you are sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "I can't hear you". You have no desire for adult conversation.

[-] 0 points by jeivers (278) 13 years ago

Sure except you told them to do the things that many have actually done and just got screwed over the last 4 decades -- if anyone is in fantasy land look in a mirror rob -- the "blame yourself" rhetoric is pathetic.

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

You fail to see that it is not personal desire or envy for wealth, that people want,. is it social justice. Many of us are quite successful financially, and as enlightened human beings. I am personally quite comfortable materially,. however, I am not able to sit by and watch the needless sufferings of so many,. due to a greedy few. All this complete fiction, about activists for change, being lazy, unemployed, even dirty, as if this has some baring,. is nothing more than ad hominem attacks by critics to weak minded to even come up with arguments to support their greed and their anti-social behaviors. It is not lost on most of us that to perpetuate a system such as we see,. requires sociopathic personalities.

[-] -1 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

Did I, or did I not post something constructive.

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

No you just said get a job. and stop telling the 1% that their time exploiting the rest of us is over,. But it is!

[-] -1 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

By definition I was constructive. I gave a reasonable idea that was positive in nature.

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago
