Forum Post: How do Americans feel on issues?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:34 p.m. EST by idunno
from Jacksonville, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My frustration is that it seems like elected officials are not doing what the majority of Americans want them to do. I'm really interested in knowing American's opinions of issues. Is there a good polling site that clearly shows the top 10 issues based on poll respondents and the poll results of the top 10 issues (e.g., foreign wars, social security, campaign finance, etc.)? Seems to me we should be using (and making the media) use the results of such a polling site to put pressure on elected representatives by comparing their voting records with the majority of American's preferences. This would highlight when an Elected representative is influenced by something other than the majority of Americans and they should be made to explain why. I think we have the best system in the world but we need ways to make it clear how most American's feel on their most important issues and to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.
If that were true Ron Paul would be leading the 2012 race right now.
More specifically - this site needs an entirely new section devoted to taking polls. You guys really need to talk this over, how to set it up, and what to do with the results - what's keeping you?
Vote up or down what you agree or disagree with. Or post something new.
THIS sure looks like a great site, shouldn't it be linked from Thanks for posting the URL, I was starting to feel a bit down.
Good luck!
I think it should be, but I don't run!
I think you should post and repost and repost the site to this forum until they add it to OWS - it's just great, exactly what OWS need.
I wouldn't mind helping a bit by repeatedly posting this site to the forum just to get it noticed. Once you got this working as an integral part of OWS, it could serve as a model for the gobal movement, for right now everyone seems to think they're connected telepathically of something.
Once again, good stuff! Thanks...
We've been posting it here and on various mailing lists and will continue to do so.
I think it is much more likely that Congress will respond to specific proposals versus raw anger.
And if not, it's still a great way to bring some sense of cohesion into this movement and develop new ideas about which way to go and how to get there.
YES!! This should be the nr. 1 issue to be addressed right now. People are already starting to walk away to affiliate sites out of frustration, but iself should be the place for votes and polls. Please keep on it, I think it's crucial to the entire movement to get this on the road ASAP.