Forum Post: How did America get here?
Posted 7 years ago on July 16, 2017, 12:14 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Check out James McGill Buchanan. He's more fascist than Friedman and von Hayek.
Man heeft ding schist:
Teardrop Park is the most beautiful little park at the glans penis(the extremely sensitive security area near 200 West Street "Libertine" "In Gold We Trust") of Man heeft ding Island. Schist is the Man heeft ding bedrock(Peeter) built into the beautiful macro-landscaping sculpture of the wailing wall(Jeesus is coming here! Umm, is Hee still violent?). There is a multi-storey-long slide for the children skidding into a sandpit. Very very fun fun fun!
Here is my simple six-word downunder(like Australia's ;) fix for the severely inbred Retard-I-Can'ts' 7-year-long struggle with medical insurance constipation: "Medicare age limit no longer applies." Enema!
"It's the spirit of love. It's the spirit of connection".
"It(perhaps a strangely behaving lousy-metal metal known as a semiconductor) isn't perfect - but the beauty 'lies' in the imperfections." Having been invented on West Street of Man heeft ding Island after the magic mushrooms had bloomed, the Transistor(not the Cisistor from the Cesspool in the Pounding-Laundry) saved many peoples from abject poverty who believed in the blossoms. "Care about others..."
How would you draw a line connecting Buchanan to the Koch brothers?
Charles Koch supplied the money, but it was James Buchanan who supplied the ideas that made the money effective. An MIT-trained engineer, Koch in the 1960s began to read political-economic theory based on the notion that free-reign capitalism (what others might call Dickensian capitalism) would justly reward the smart and hardworking and rightly punish those who failed to take responsibility for themselves or had lesser ability. He believed then and believes now that the market is the wisest and fairest form of governance, and one that, after a bitter era of adjustment, will produce untold prosperity, even peace. But after several failures, Koch came to realize that if the majority of Americans ever truly understood the full implications of his vision of the good society and were let in on what was in store for them, they would never support it. Indeed, they would actively oppose it.
So, Koch went in search of an operational strategy -- what he has called a "technology" -- of revolution that could get around this hurdle. He hunted for 30 years until he found that technology in Buchanan's thought. From Buchanan, Koch learned that for the agenda to succeed, it had to be put in place in incremental steps, what Koch calls "interrelated plays": many distinct yet mutually reinforcing changes of the rules that govern our nation. Koch's team used Buchanan's ideas to devise a roadmap for a radical transformation that could be carried out largely below the radar of the people, yet legally. The plan was (and is) to act on so many ostensibly separate fronts at once that those outside the cause would not realize the revolution underway until it was too late to undo it. Examples include laws to destroy unions without saying that is the true purpose, suppressing the votes of those most likely to support active government, using privatization to alter power relations -- and, to lock it all in, Buchanan's ultimate recommendation: a "constitutional revolution."
Today, operatives funded by the Koch donor network operate through dozens upon dozens of organizations (hundreds, if you count the state and international groups), creating the impression that they are unconnected when they are really working together -- the state ones are forced to share materials as a condition of their grants. For example, here are the names of 15 of the most important Koch-funded, Buchanan-savvy organizations each with its own assignment in the division of labor: There's Americans for Prosperity, the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the American Legislative Exchange Council, the Mercatus Center, Americans for Tax Reform, Concerned Veterans of America, the Leadership Institute, Generation Opportunity, the Institute for Justice, the Independent Institute, the Club for Growth, the Donors Trust, Freedom Partners, Judicial Watch -- whoops, that's more than 15, and it's not counting the over 60 other organizations in the State Policy Network. This cause operates through so many ostensibly separate organizations that its architects expect the rest of us will ignore all the small but extremely significant changes that cumulatively add up to revolutionary transformation. Gesturing to this, Tyler Cowen, Buchanan's successor at George Mason University, even titled his blog "Marginal Revolution."Good article....important history...."
More on James McGill Buchanan ...
e tenebris ...
John C. Calhoun and other Tory traitors to the American Revolution live on like the morons who still rever the Confederate flag, racism and all the evil they have wrought.