Forum Post: How can these people on MSNBC claim to be part of the 99%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by Crestone
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I was watching MSNBC yesterday and Rev Sharpton, Lawrence O and Chris Matthews claim to be on the side of the 99%. These people all make millions in pay and they claim to understand? i saw the head of a teachers group who claimed to be middle class, so I lookked up his pay, base salary $248,000 a year.
The group is being used by others for their own gain. Why do the 99% accept this?
base salary of 250k is nowhere near top 1% dude
top 1% is 550k and above
Agree 250k is high-mid class... but for sure not on the 1%, anyways, better if he actually was on 1% they are having separations themselfes.
Some could be riding on the OWS coattails.. but those like Sharpton helped give voice to the Civil rights movement, and changed this Country. He, like others who are above the 'Pay grade' and Support us, are helping to raise the Volume of our 'One Voice'.... So, scrutinize.. Yes.
Alienate, .. No.
They wouldn't support it if it wasn't working. Be thankful.
All MSNBC needs is ratings by hook or crook. It is pure capitalism. It is trying to compete fox by being totally liberal and fully biased to left. I watched Chris Matthews, and others, they will have guest who just agree with them.
Just because some make a descent living does not mean they do not understand. Most of these people had humble beginnings and are truly for the working class. Ed Shultz is one of these and he has been on our side for a long time. As the movement takes hold we will need a spokesperson and they will be in a place to do it.
300k a year isnt the 1% they are still in the 99% unless you are raking in multi millions or more you are in the 99%
There are people with wealth who have been fighting on many of the same issues that OWS wants cleaned up, like political donations. Lawrence O is one of them. There are others.
Well Crestone they do express sympathy for OWS in between corporate commercials and Obama shilling.
MSNBC is the equivalent of Fox News...without the ratings.
$harpton is on any side he can make a buck. He dose nothing for the people but cause animosity between the people of this nation.
How much does he charge to make a $peech?