Forum Post: How can consumers back the 99% with our purchases?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 12:06 a.m. EST by rsintexas
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Why isn't there a list of companies that employ people, treat them fairly and manufacture their products here, at first world wages? Not all of us are wild about camping out, but would like to help. If employers are rewarded for doing the right thing by their employees, being pro 99% would be easier to identify for consumers. It would also be good to know about companies that have a history of treating employees bad, like Cooper Tire and Dr. Pepper Snapple.
Don't shop with this company!
The Revolution starts here!
Pull your money (all of it) out of the banking system, go to the federal reserve, trade reserve notes for US debt, destroy the debt.
This has been said before, but start by pulling your money out of a commercial bank and putting it in a community bank or credit union.