Forum Post: How are you using the internet to organize people to create social change? How could it be used to do so?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 9:28 p.m. EST by femmespeak
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have two businesses that I started online that are aimed toward creating social change.
The first, Pink Link Pages ( is a directory of women-owned and women-led businesses….with the idea being to encourage women (who buy 80 % of all goods and services) to support women in business…which is necessary because women in business are not doing so great - women own 29% of all business but generate only 4% of business revenues, represent less than 3% of CEO’s in the Fortune 1000 and represent only 15%^ on most boards (non-profit, for profit and government!).
The second business is an Association that will connect people in the Northeast region of the United States in government, education and business so that they can discuss issues around workforce development. Let’s face it…its not that there aren’t enough jobs…it is that we don’t have people trained to do the jobs that are available! This new Association (North East Regional Employment and Training Association) will provide a robust platform for talking about these issues by providing discussion groups (forums) broken down by topics for both industry sectors (such as manufacturing, construction, healthcare) and by populations to be served (youth, older workers, veterans etc).
I have been giving a lot of thought lately to the occupy Wall Street people. I support their enthusiasm for change…but not their methods. If they want to make real change...they need to become reporters. Sort of a that has not been bought out by a major corporation. You want to make real change? Go to your city council meetings and find out what is going on with your municipal bonds (who are they being sold to….) Newspapers usually send their lowest ranking reporters to these meetings as a way for them to learn. But a lot of important decisions are made about how local dollars are being spent. You really want a kid just out of High School or college who is learning to be a reporter reporting on these issues….when intelligent, experienced people with advanced degrees are just sitting idly in front of government buildings chanting about being the 99%?
And we all know that the unemployment rate is A LOT higher than is being reported. If you are out of work …GO TO A CITY COUNCIL MEETING OR COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING. (Nobody goes to these things…imagine how shocked they would be to have the room full of people who are out of work!) It brings visibility to the problem. And, bring a notebook! Write down things that concern you…and blog about them! If we get enough people doing this…being reporters in society…we have a lot more policing of the systems - and a lot more accountability of the 1%!
If you want the world to change…BE THE CHANGE! The internet is making all things possible!
Good points. And don't forget to connect on a personal level. If you talk with someone here or elsewhere for a while and appreciate each other's input...send a PM, share an email or a phone number when the time is right. Stop letting the machine divide us and let's unite to rebuild the US!
Information and knowledge open doors and break down barriers.
You have started "an Association that will connect people in the Northeast region of the United States in government, education and business so that they can discuss issues around workforce development" !!!
All very liberal and well meaning I'm sure however ... Reclaiming The Republic and trying to institute and implement "Democracy" rather than trying to patch up an increasing corrupt and larcenous demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy might be more important to some than trying for a more "business friendly" U$A !!
WAR and Empire abroad & Austerity and Repression at home ; this oppression can NOT abide !
per ardua ad astra ...~~~*
"WAR and Empire abroad & Austerity and Repression at home ; this oppression can NOT abide"
Well fucking said.
I hear that you are angry...but...we are a government of representatives, not a democracy. Getting up close and personal with your local representatives is your best shot at creating change. And helping businesses hire the workers they need helps the whole economy. Other than "viva la revolution"...what are your SPECIFIC suggestions for how to make this all work.
You ask and so I'll hazard some "SPECIFIC" answers :
1) Reclaim The Power Of The Issuance of Money FOR the State !
2) Nationalise The Central Bank & make it an Organ Of State !!
3) Immediately Reinstate The Glass-Steagall Act !!!
4) Give Bank Regulators both balls and teeth ...
5) Threaten All The Banks with Nationalisation ...
6) Money (whatever That Is these days) is ONLY any good IF it is doing the rounds and circulating ; NOT when its being stolen and hoarded ;-(
Too Radical For You ? Or is the above actually quite reasonable and restrained ? Are YOU going to defend more of this "Hoover Up Kaputalism" (as opposed to "Trickle Down Capitalism") ? What are your plans and proposals to put more money in people's pockets ?
The Trading Of "Derivatives" of Compound Interest Bearing Usurious Debt by Larcenous Banks and "Financial Institutions" run by Avaricious Psychopaths and 'Here today gone tomorrow' Spivs, all with only one over-riding, short-term, selfish concern of lining their own pockets 'asap' (Perverse Incentives, anyone ?!) is now destroying The U$A, UK et al and International High-Finance Capitalism is a Busted Flush ... and Anyone and Everyone, with half a brain, either knows it or feels it !!!
Get Real Lady ; Merry Xmas ; Happy 2012 ... y si .. "iViva La Revolucion!" siempre ;-)
radix malorum est cupiditas.
paz y luz.
You may be making good points...but your anger is so loud it is hard to hear them. I am not your enemy. I am just asking what you want done. No one is going to pay attention to you if you aren't reasonable, polite and civil. I am not "defending" anything, nor do I appreciate the rudeness of a statement like "get real lady". It makes you sound like a nut...and I therefore want to dismiss everything else you have to say...even though your points may be quite logical, valid and something we all could/should strive for. Nobody wants to follow a nutcake. Reasonable, polite language with bold ideas and a plan of action that makes sense are what people will follow. Do you really want to make a difference or just be a screamer?
It's been a very convivial Xmas & I'm off out for some more soon, by which time I'll be quite in a state of disrepair ... so I'll get back and try to be a "screamer" at that time !
In the mean time ; Here's Wishing You & Yours, A Merry Xmas and Peace, Prosperity and Potential in 2012 !!
Consider : Though you are right, the "Anger ; Loud ; Nutcake" Tone is Subjective ; But hOmmme~~{:-) is Where The <3 Is !!!
paz y luz ...
My apologies for the nutcake retort. Let's begin again with convivial... You sound intelligent and seem to have some specific suggestions. I am not an economist but I am willing to learn. However, I will not continue to converse if we are not both using a respectful and civil in tone. Wishing you a joyful and harmonious holiday and New Year.
Thanx for your gracious reply. No need to apologise & don't vex - I'm not asking for anyone to "follow" !
More seriously, have you seen The Award (Oscar!) Winning Documentary Film, "INSIDE JOB" yet ? If not, then I have to genuinely and strongly recommend it to you. It will clearly show exactly how and why OWS has come about and indeed how we have come to exchange views and posts on this forum !!
Thus, re."INSIDE JOB", The Latest Working Link : !!!
And from " ", I cut and paste this post from poster "dogscats" : "Inside Job on ten servers- so it can't be removed : "Inside Job" the movie- free --- 1.5 hours + free video player .
"'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost of over $20 Trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China."
Wishing you and yours Peace, Prosperity and Potential in 2012 ;-)
per ardua ad astra ...~~~*
Everybody should watch zeitgeist moving forward on YouTube, then spread it Everywhere. Tell 30 of your friends to watch it, tell them to do the same.
Join the zeitgeist movement please.
I'm an old guy. I'm seeing something happening that should have happened a long time ago. I believe in it, I'm part of it and I'm using my little talent to add to the movement. I'm tired of the politico/economic crap I've seen in my life and I'm disgusted by the stats quoted above. Unfortunately, this is all too real.
I've worked hard and I've got the scars to prove it. I'm a Boomer and I've got the education to understand what I observe. I'm getting tired and the pension I've worked all my life for is disappearing.
femmespeak is right. Get involved and attend. There is so much low-level crap happening that you'll get an education and understanding about why we've arrived where we are.
I apologize, now, that I didn't do my utmost when I had the chance. I do attend city council meetings, I do voice my opinion. I do more than most.
But, it will take huge numbers of us to change the direction the world is headed in. We don't have a lot of time left before George Orwell becomes totally correct, albeit a few years later than he proposed. If you haven't read 1984, start there.
We really don't have choice. I just hope that it isn't already too late.
Here is just one of my little contributions...
It isn't much, but I do know that it has influenced a few people already. We're all after the same respect, fairness and opportunities. I'm no better than one of the squirrels that occupy the forest, but I can save their little lives.
Simply having Internet access at all would probably rescue Cubans from their oppression at the hands of their 1%. It's a cause worth fighting for. There are plenty of different ways to make it happen, which are not mutually exclusive.
Cuba is unique. I've never seen another country with so many smiling faces...smiles that come from the heart and start at the feet. It is an amazing place!
Many Canadian tourists have "forgotten" old laptops there. I've just sent a few older USB drives to Cuba with a friend. The Cubans use the forgotten articles very wisely. One Internet connection may reach thousands of people, ultimately.
I've never seen another populace who is so well educated about politics and I often wonder why the US fears the Cubans so.
I would think that the Cubans see their "1%" as being the US blockade. Unfortunately, the few recent changes in Cuban laws are actually allowing a corporate 1% to really get established... It seems to have been designed to let the people believe that getting a cellphone, or a new car, is a taste of freedom. Actually a cellphone does allow many freedoms, but we now know better, don't we?
A laptop is useless if it can't connect to other laptops. And have you actually drank some kind of left-wing Kool Aid about Cuba being a nice place full of happy, educated people with free food and medical care? If this is a common part of the groupthink then I'm going to have to ask around some more about that. It would be tragic for anybody to contribute to the plight of the Cubans just because the narrative that they're all shining happy people fits into some kind of ideology.
No, I didn't drink the Kool Aid... I went to Cuba. There is a bit of a difference there. My Spanish is poor, but I did get an education.
The USB drives allow one person to use their laptop to copy documents, websites and newspapers to be shared with others who have laptops. It is a kind of Internet that doesn't require a connection, just a person willing to carry the drive to another laptop. It is slow, but it works quite well. I was amazed at the breadth of political news/ideology that is being shared that way. Yes, there are many Cuban dissidents who use this method.
I've never imposed my ideals with this process. That wouldn't be fair.
Create a living World Wide Web. Follow the Sun.
On a particular day, when the Sun is directly overhead, march to the United Nations. Notifiy OWS around the world to march when their Sun is high noon. Everyone carrys the same five signs: Precede the following signs with a street wide banner: SYRIA
And we all know that the unemployment rate is A LOT higher than is being reported.
Although I am suspicious of the government's unemployment numbers which hover around 8-9%, I have found no evidence other than hearsay or speculation to refute them. So I ask, how do we know that the unemployment rate is a lot higher that what is being reported? Secondly, what is the more accurate rate?
Thank you sages.
I worked under the department of labor for nearly ten years...and I can tell you that the unemployment rate does not account for people who have: 1) given up and gone on welfare 2) given up and gone on some form of disability/or have a medical deferment (which can include "depression" and "substance abuse" 3) run out of unemployment benefits 4) taken "early retirement" although they do not want to and did not intend to 5) Taken jobs so far below their ability and earning potential that they are severely "under-employed" The actual rate of people unable to find jobs to support themselves is probably closer to 25%!!!!
Very good suggestions!
The idea of people who own a computer... consider themselves to be poor! The idea of people owning cars: and think they're poor! The idea of people renting nice apts or homes and not owning property considering themselves poor! The idea of people who have too much food, and eat too much, too many clothes, too many shoes, too many socks.. considering themselves to be poor!
The idea that anyone with a job, a home, a car and a computer identifies with the 4 billion REALLY POOR people is a joke.
Guess what: poor people don't have computers. They don't have cars. They don't have jobs that pay a living wage, they don't have a expensive homes. They don't have expensive furniture. If you want to talk to poor people you'll have to shut off your computer and go to find where they live BECAUSE 5 BILLION out of 6.9 billion DO NOT HAVE A COMPUTER.
5 billion people don't use a computer
get some fucking perspective
By using it to tell the truth, thats How
I like that -
Occupy yoU're City Hall, or OUCH!
Me? I'm using the internet to awaken the awareness each of us already has - to make it a conscious aspect of our waking daily life -
the repelican party is DONE
GirlFriday so can I give it a try? [facepalm] How'd I do?
That's 'Occupy Wall Street People', femme. As in "We, The People". Did you bring a notebook?
Sorry, don't get your meaning.
your sex discrimination is disgusting.