Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:34 a.m. EST by success
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:34 a.m. EST by success
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My vote is on this one. You can't solve everything at once but I think it's a great way to get things going. IMO, it goes far enough on the 1% without alienating the 99%, and would represent years of reform.
ird, I just posted that I liked that list of demands, but you make a good point, there needs to be more of a focus on political corruption and the way in which money corrupts the political process, and those who have money acquire political power. Especially in order to appeal to the many conservative Americans who nevertheless feel that their interests are being betrayed point by point to those which more clout by politicians, but are opposed to most of the agenda of the left. Still, closing tax loopholes is something 99% can and should get behind, for instance, and seems truly critical
The problem here is that this list is strictly anti-corporatist. For one, that doesn't fly with the true majority of Americans. More importantly, it fails to implicate other equally important pillars of the American system: namely, our POLITICIANS and our POLITICAL SYSTEM. Corporations play by the rules our political system has crafted to their advantage, and when they don't, our system often gives them a pass. The system and those who run it are equally to blame and deserve equal condemnation and reform. We can start by enfranchising the younger quarter of our population by removing age limits in the Constitution preventing those over 18 yet under ?34? from running for national elected office and thus silencing our agenda, the effects of which are evidenced by the lack of youth agenda items on the national agenda.
Well, I hear you. However, we can't eat the whole pizza at once. Best to eat it one slice at a time. Let's get a win on getting some real controls on corporations and get real limits on corporate influence on political process both of which are achieved in the original list of demands above) and then move on to other areas.