Forum Post: How about Occupying the Voting Booth?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 9:45 p.m. EST by Toynbee
from Savannah, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Nothing will change -- nothing -- unless there is change in D.C.
Wall Street will not change unless the people we elect insist on doing what is right for America instead of what is right for the lobbyists and the 1%.
Register voters.
There is no doubt that the next election will have a large turnout. There is great deal of doubt as to whether there will be anyone to vote for.
That is assuming of course that we actually get to the next election.
The completely useless and meaningless 2012 elections should be canceled and replaced by a NATION-WIDE REFERENDUM to overhaul the present, corrupt-to-the-core political system.
Such a referendum would IMO be VERY useful and meaningful. And the reason for demanding such a referendum would be that THE NATION IS IN A STATE OF CRISIS that threatens its very survival.
To me, that is THE DEMAND that OWS should focus on, and I think that the American people are so SICK of the two main parties that they would actually WELCOME the possibility of overhauling the whole corrupt system in order to start anew.
Given that only 9% of the public still have faith in Congress, I have a feeling that a strong majority of Americans would vote "YES" in a "REFERENDUM FOR A NEW AMERICA".
Assuming your an Occupier. FINALLY an intelligent Occupier.