Forum Post: How about an OWS charity day?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 24, 2012, 1:43 a.m. EST by forjustice
from Kearney, NE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A day set aside to help others. Instead of protesting, Occupiers can work for Habitat for Humanity, give blood, serve meals at a homeless shelter, scoop someones sidewalk... There are a hundred things to choose from. Let the people where you give of yourself know who you are. The 99%. Touching lives in this way could give a nice boost to the movement during an otherwise quiet winter.
Charity is fine and I'm in no way against your idea, but don't we really want justice and fairness so nobody needs charity?
Everyone needs charity.
But for those who are somehow opposed to reaching out and helping others, think of this as a tactic. This will help project a positive image of the movement.
It's definitely an idea to consider. I hear you. But, let us not get off course, justice and fairness, first and foremost.
I agree that OWS should not loose focus. That's why I suggest one day, rather than any kind of ongoing charity drive.
Yes, okay, otherwise it becomes counter-productive. Energy needs to be put into changing the system, not enabling it.
OK, so is there a day on the calendar, anything coming up soon that would coincide with a charity fundraiser. We have missed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also I think we should do it in conjunction with The Salvation Army or some such group so that we wouldn't have to deal with the money.
No major day coming up that I can think of. We could pick a day at random, or based off an obscure event that fits. For example, Socrates, the original peaceful revolutionary, was put to death on Feb 15 399 BC. I agree about not handling money. I would really prefer not to fund raise.
Yes, we do want justice and fairplay, but we should also be the 'beautiful world' that we want the rest of the world to be to be. In other words we should pracitce what we preach.
I said it's fine. I just don't think doing charitable work should become the goal of this movement. I think we should be fighting for permanent change to end the need for charity. That is practicing what we preach.
You want justice and fairness? How about instead of protesting and bitching about it YOU personally make sure those in your personal community have justice and are treated fairly. Set an example for others. Be the change you want to see in the world. Protests truly change things when they have the backing of a overwhelming majority. This movement (if you can call it that) does not have a majority support.
Early in their movements, did the Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War protests, the repeal of Prohibition, and Women's Suffrage, have the backing of even the majority of the people, never mind the 'overwhelming majority?' I don't think so.
There were no protests to end Prohibition. Another thing this movement lacks that those listed above had was a leader, with clear intentions. Not a bunch of fringe groups coming together.
Kirby,there were indeed protests for the repeal of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition) Looking it up, I found a picture of a whole bunch of people marching with signs reading, "WE WANT BEER", imagine that! So you might want to keep that in mind the next time you sit down to have a cold one. You might want to give those 'radicals' a 'skol', but dont let anyone hear you say that as they might think you are a socialist then!!!!
As far as, "a bunch of fringe groups coming together", as you put it......well Margaret Mead would probably phrase it......"a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens".......I'll let you look up the rest of that famous quote . It will have more of an impact if you do your own research.
Why are you here then? This is the OWS forum. If you don't think we have a majority and you're not worried why do you come here and post?
You want justice and fairness? How about instead of protesting and bitching about it YOU personally make sure those in your personal community have justice and are treated fairly. Set an example for others. Be the change you want to see in the world. Protests truly change things when they have the backing of a overwhelming majority. This movement (if you can call it that) does not have a majority support.
here is the beginning stage of my group.
I do this already. We are setting up a volunteer group in our Occupy group in Orlando. We will be discussing it in the GA. I think all should have a volunteer group. I believe we can capture the good side of this movement with it.
I think that is a great idea. It will most certainly bring about the good side of the occupy movement. Let's face it, if the folks who are actually occupying and not working, what better way to help out thier local community. It's called giving back.
Screw that... let's just sit around and get we usually do.
How about a drum circle?
If we make it a habit to pay attention to the people around us, I expect we will see many small things that we can do that will help another person. Noticing one another with kindness is helpful all by itself. It isn't traditional charity, which usually is quite impersonal.
Pay it Forward; a good idea and one that we should continue to promote. Nothing says unity like helping one another.
I think that is a good idea, and I suggested something similar during the holidays.
I also made a suggestion and started a thread before Christmas, " Occupy Good Will" Not one comment. It is sad that a so called small grass roots movement has no interest in really helping others unless it is on a grand scale. The smaller community actions would really help to bridge the gap between OWS and the majority of the population claimed to be represented. Without mainstream support, OWS is going nowhere, and that really is a shame, as so many of us had hoped for a different outcome. Small steps lead to the bigger picture.
I completely agree. I also think that the tactic of doing things for others that don't understand the movement would really discredit the "trolls" that want to make OWS look violent, lazy or selfish.
Unfortunately, most of the population does think OWS is violent, lazy and selfish. Without the support of the majority of Americans, no progress can occur. The bad pr is only going to get worse. There must be some " feel good " actions to counter the crap. I've been called a troll, uneducated and uncaring for making these suggestions in earlier threads. Hey it's all good.. I'm a tough old chick.. I will keep hammering away with these suggestions . Clearly the tactics OWS is using these days is not working, so maybe they need to listen to some other ideas. Would be a shame to see a movement that started out with good intentions float away into cyberland.
Agreed. Many anarchists of the past volunteered in soup kitchens. Thinking globally is good: so is acting locally. Calling to bring down old structures is extremely useful, building new ones is really good.
I'll give it another try at some point soon. It's good to hear that this feeling is shared. Thanks.
You are welcome. And trust me.. you are not alone in this thinking. problem is, those who have other ideas or thoughts are constantly being called out for being a troll or worse, so they stop coming on these boards to voice thier opinions , and walk away. But not all of us : )
Did the idea get support then?
No, unfortunately not. I wanted us to bring to light all of the people who would be celebrating Christmas living in tent cities, (by having a fund raiser) not because they were making a political statement as we at OWS were, but rather because they had no other place to go. One sarcastic sign might have read, 'Mayor Bloomberg, will you evict them too?'
How about catching all the rats (by family of course)at the DC camp and dumping them in Virginia or MD after all it's against the law to kill them.
This would be the Progressive/Leftist thing to do. Make Obama proud.
Are you talking about Congress?
Well yes you could dump the Dems and the RINO's.
I was thinking more along the lines of John Boehner and Eric Cantor. Okay, one is a senator.
LOL... Looks like no one here wants to do charity. But everyone sure wants a handout for themselves. Like I said, 99% of you are a bunch of leeches, hypocrites.
No. Not wanting hand outs, Tired of handouts for the wealthy. And I see at least 5 in this thread expressing varying amounts of interest in participating in a day of charitable activity.
Just 5. Even ron paul posts get more interest ... who r u kidding man
shush. I just asked. Give people a few days, and if there's no interest then you can return with your trolling.
The only people in this country who are stealing are the big corporations and the 1%.
Shit on charitable acts, shit on community service, I going to guess that you shit your own bed too.
I am not against community service or charity. In fact I try and do as much as my time permits. In fact by answering to a mentally retarded person, that is you, I am doing community service even now.
See, I know you love to troll me and I am flattered at the attention you are showering but I have other things to do in life.
With all the hours you work, smartcapitalist, how much time could you possibly have for charity? 26 seconds per month?
Not much. I mostly help out in fund raising stuff.
Only a a rabid partisan ideologue would support charity and shit on the idea of OWS performing charitable acts.
But it's no mystery where you are coming from.
Kids totting iphones and ipad, carrying designer bags and wearing $200 shoes do not need charity. They need a reality check
And 'rabid partisan ideologue'? whoa... I have been described as many things in my life. But this. Just mind blowing
To quote the OP: "work for Habitat for Humanity, give blood, serve meals at a homeless shelter ..."
The idea that it was charity for OWS was your rabid partisan ideologue misinterpretation. The proof is in the pudding ...
True collectivists. No incentive to do anything except complain.
U r right
Taking cookies or fresh bread to a neighbor and giving an OWS propaganda pamphlet with it is a good way to casually put OWS in a more desirable light.
Don't be a dumb ass Kirby. Be a Julius and Ethel Rosenberg like, how they were to Ethel's brother, David Greenglass. Persuade, indoctrinate, tempt and coerce. Talk and talk, and persuade.
I prefer bread and cookies.