Forum Post: How About an O.W.S. Block Party?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:35 p.m. EST by GypsyKing
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Why not have an O.W.S. block party where we invite everyone? That way all the working people and their families can get to know what we're about - maybe in Upstate NY.
remember, homeless people aren't allowed so we can't invite "everyone"
How can occupy feed all the homeless of NYC?
its not an issue of feeding all of them, its the subtle divisiveness that comes with "taking measures to discourage certain groups of people" from "taking advantage". one could argue that the whole protest is taking advantage of the kindhearted humanitarian generosity of people who just want to see a better world in general, not just for under employed college grads or former middle class 30 & 40 something year olds, or people on government assistance etc.
Your divissiveness is not so subtle.
troll? what in fucking blazes have YOU done for equity. march in all the rallies i've been to in my entire life and then start slinging shit at me. just because this fucking mess of a rabble is taking advantage of an ongoing malaise doesn't justify any kind of elitism among them. and pointless mischief isn't going to make people less greedy either. now i hope they fucking delete my profile since i've had to resort to the most base, crass, ridiculousness because there simply isn't a mechanism to remove oneself from this whirling eddy of bullshit.
Thank you for that well concieved acknowledgement.