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Forum Post: How About An Online Noncompliance Protest?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:18 a.m. EST by PowerToThePeople (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Want to send a huge message to the government, banksters, and Wall Street? Why don't millions of us get together and sign a huge online petition telling the government that if they don't start representing us instead of the wealthy fat cats, we will, by the millions, stop paying our taxes, student loans, mortgages, credit cards, etc! What are they going to do? Arrest millions of us? Garnish millions of paychecks?



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[-] 1 points by PowerToThePeople (11) 13 years ago

No hahaha. We have to get the MILLIONS together. All of us! Personally, I don't think we are there yet. The current state of the OWS movement is a start, but not an end. So many in power don't care if someone is pitching a tent and chanting. Case in point: Obama. One of the largest complaints of the OWS movement is the burden of student loans. How does Obama respond? By offering a plan that doesn't do much of anything more than the previous plan did. He is simply offering to cap student loan payments at 10% of our incomes and allow more federal loans to be consolidated. Which is really not much different than the previous student loan plan that was enacted. Is he doing anything for those who are drowning in private student loan debt? Debt which, like federal student loans, is not only nondischargeable in bankruptcy but, unlike federal loans, offers no similar relief plan? No. Why? Because he and so many Democrats as well as Republicans are in bed with the banks who issued those private student loans. Obama and other politicians, along with their handlers, the banksters and CEOS, really don't care if we shout and scream. They can just hide away in their highrises and mansions. Now if the movement gathers at least 20% of the population, that may be different. But they will probably still not care. Using violence is not the answer. You become what you fight. And violence is only for cowards. The weak. Why? Because the truly powerful don't have to use violence. If a tiny toothless and venomless insect comes up to you and threatens you, do you really care? Do you really try to squish it? No. Why? Because it has no power over you. It is not really a threat. The same with the 1%. The 1% only have the illusion of power because the 99% chose to give that illusion to them. We can take their illusion away from them any second and make them face reality: that they are nothing more than a tiny insect to the 1%. Protesting is a good start. Noncompliance may be necessary in the future to achieve that end.

[-] 1 points by PowerToThePeople (11) 13 years ago

Midground, you do not understand. They can't repossess millions of homes. They don't have enough police to do that! And they can't force millions and millions to not pay their taxes. They could never hire enough IRS agents to do that! If even 10% of this nation refused to pay their taxes, they couldn't do anything. The politicians would be crapping in their pants and sweating bullets. They would be forced to listen and respond or leave! And I am not against paying my taxes. What I am against is taxation without representation in the form of having those taxes go to things that most Americans are against such as the wars this nation is fighting and bailouts for big businesses and banks. We refuse to pay our taxes only as a means of bringing a corrupt system to its knees and forcing change that is needed. As for interest going up: it would mean nothing if MILLIONS all over the globe refused to pay their debts and become debt slaves to the corrupt 1% who want us as nothing more than serfs to them. If we all quit being sheep and refuse to pay our debts anymore by the millions, the 1% would have no more power. Raising interest rates and food prices would be worthless to them when millions can just take the food from their little hands. Our debts would all be forgiven then! It would be over! Stop being a sheep! The 1% only have power because we gave it to them! It's time to take our power back.

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

If millions of people stopped paying their debts then it would cause yet another financial crisis, which would put even more people out of work. You're forgetting how dependent you are on the financial system. You're forgetting how much of your life and your prosperity depends on trust in people making good on their debts after they borrow money from other people. If everybody were to welch out of paying their debts then nobody would be able to borrow money. That would make it harder for people to provide shelter for their families, and it would make it harder for entrepreneurs to grow businesses, which creates jobs.

[-] 1 points by PowerToThePeople (11) 13 years ago

The financial crisis is an illusion. It is as much of an illusion as money is. An illusion so many want to remain slaves to. Money is a creation of the mind. So is slavery to it. It is not the money we need, TechJunkie. It is the things we can buy with it. When you find $5.00, are you really happy you have extra money? No. You are really happy because that extra money can buy something you want, like something to eat. If all the money were to become worthless, it would be the same as it disappearing. It would mean nothing because the Earth's resources would still be here. Food would still continue to grow in the fields if people tend to the crops. Everything would be here except one thing: the 1% exercising their control over who gets the largest share of the Earth's resources which is them. That's all money has become: the means by which the 1% dictate who gets what. Quit being a sheep and being a slave to worthless green pieces of paper and that's what they really are. We do not need those worthless green pieces of paper. What we need is eachother and our Mother Earth who really provides for us. Not the banks, Wall Street, and the CEOs who continue to abuse and exploit us and our Earth Mother!

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

...and so in the real world, unemployment started to skyrocket after the 2007 financial crisis. Have you forgotten that already? The financial crisis that was caused when the banks realized that people weren't going to be paying off all of those sub-prime mortgages. Even "sheep" depend on the financial system, and intentionally causing a financial crisis will hurt the 99% more than it will hurt the 1%.

[-] 1 points by PowerToThePeople (11) 13 years ago

TechJunkie, the banks and the politicians that serve them are who created this financial crisis in the end. They wanted it so they could hoard even more wealth and create a larger divide between themselves and the rest of us. The financial crisis only exists because we continue to go along with the current financial system. We continue to serve our masters instead of taking back our power. I refuse to react the way they want me to this crisis: like a good little fear-programmed robot. So many, including many in the Occupy Wall Street movement are reacting like robots instead of truly rebelling like the the truly dignified human beings they are. One protester in New Orleans yelled, "kill the cops". Does he really think he is benefitting his movement there by yelling such a robotic hate-filled slogan? If he realized that he was a human being instead of a robot, he would have instead used his intelligence to try to appeal to the police instead. He would have asked them, "So how are the politicians treating you? Have you received any pay cuts recently? Have your numbers been cut? Have your benefits been cut due to the financial crisis?"

[-] 1 points by midground (26) 13 years ago

Hire more people for the IRS, get rid of student loans that would be available, take houses, send collection notices while lowering credit scores to the point that interest will be too high to even pay off at the minimum payment will take over 30 years. Repossession of everything. The question really is what do you want to do to yourself. Would it be worth it if the damage to the majority would mean nothing to them?