Forum Post: How 5 Banks are the 96%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 3:02 p.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent
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Five Banks Account For 96% Of $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure
I read the article... interesting...but the big questions what?... what are you proposing that would change all of that? The preponderance is in Interest Rate Swaps (over 60%)... only the Fed and Big banks have the clout to do this... How would you change that?... what would be the benefit to the American people... how would foreign banks respond?
Nice article....
Yes, nice article. When you consider that the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury are how beholden to the IMF/World Bank... as is the Euro Economy... then there is actually a small consortium of power-players who constitute the Board of the IMF who are orchestrating the Global financial sector at present. And that includes the 5 Banks in your article.