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Forum Post: Hosni Bloombarak

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 10:38 p.m. EST by noisnafita (-1)
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[-] 2 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

Quero que quem disse que eu sou o novo macaco tião venha a minha frente que eu o reduzirei a sub-nitrato. Eneas Carneiro

[-] 2 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

"Sou um homem normal, que come, gosta de mulher e usa o vaso sanitário." Enéas Carneiro

[-] 2 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

Bloombarak Obama! Such disappointment on a guy I support so such

[-] 2 points by noisnafita (-1) 13 years ago

bloomberg = mubarak = khadafi = médici

[-] 2 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

Let's unity, not divide, we are all 99%

[-] 2 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

Dear folks--I just viewed this video, and I have to say that while in essence I agree with your message and your intent, it is not effective to taunt the police with "Shame" chants. The idea of nonviolence protest is to show your opponent, though pacifism and love, that we are one. Submission is the tool. One young woman was screaming, "I am your sister." While that is more like it, the scream itself is antagonistic and blaming. These officers are trained to this duty, and is it reasonable to expect them to lay down their batons and walk away? If they are met with violence through speech, attitude, or action, they will feel vindicated, justified. Solidifying the barrier you seek to overcome cannot be accomplished when you meet your opponent with antagonism, of any sort. You feel called to stand up because you have been moved at a deep level, something I admire and feel moved to emulate. Please do everything possible to make your every action consistent with the new world order of peace and justice that you are trying to establish.

[-] 2 points by noisnafita (-1) 13 years ago

Take this to Liberty Square tomorrow!

[-] 1 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

In the heart of the country of the first amendment, what happened 2 night ago should be remembered with shame for generations! #wearethe99%

[-] 1 points by noisnafita (-1) 13 years ago

Todos nós somos filhos de Deus, embora Ele não reconheça a paternidade. Bussunda.

[-] 1 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

Toda família tem um momento em que começa a apodrecer. Pode ser a família mais decente, mais digna do mundo. Lá um dia aparece um tio pederasta, uma irmã lésbica, um pai ladrão, um cunhado louco. Tudo ao mesmo tempo. ~ Frase de Nelson Rodrigues

[-] 1 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

Forum Post: I am drug free. I don't even take tylenol for headache pain. I have never vandalized in my life. I don't have casual sex. I only eat organic food. I don't get flu shots. I am college educated. I Love Christ and I love my Country. I am the 99%. Pass it on.

[-] 1 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

Forum Post: Hosni Bloombarak Posted 24 minutes ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 10:38 p.m. EST by noisnafita This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Zuccotti is our Tahrir Square! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/831/bloombarak.png/

[-] 1 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

[-] freethinker100 3 points 5 hours ago This is all Israel...this is why we have to destroy zionism....see what happens when a bunch of jews steal land in the middle east...anyone that criticizes Israel is smeared as an antisemite or racist meanwhile it is the Israelis who hate more than any other group....supremacy is the name of their game ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] din365 2 points 5 hours ago There's no way the states could ever win a war with china. NEVER! As a matter of fact, in a few brush strokes of a pen, China can destroy the states without firing 1 missile. How? by calling in the debt. Not to mention, as mentioned before, China does ALOT of business with the states and vice versa, so what reason would the states have to even start a war with china? An economic and military superpower VS an economically crippled, military-stretched former superpower. If Obama is that stupid, then say hello to your chinese overlords. You Americans have to stop living in this fantasy land that the states is still a military superpower ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] zorno 2 points 5 hours ago Don't think in terns of the United States, but the global financial oligarchy that controls it. That group of half insane, inbred aristocrats see their financial system dissolving, while the east makes progress, and they see destroying the world as their way to stay on top of it. This is just what I am reading now, these aren't my ideas. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] Mooks 0 points 5 hours ago Where do you read these things? What makes you think they are reputable sources? ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] zorno 2 points 5 hours ago Lyndon Larouche - I know that many people hate him, but he did predict numerous financial crashes, and is considered to have one of the top private intelligence organizations in the world. The most outspoken source currently on this idea. Alex Jones - more credible to the libertarian types. Has some articles and has done some videos about this idea available on his site. Webster Tarpley - PhD, a historian and economist, he's frequently the guest on low level political news shows, mentioned this idea on a show recently. Currently reporting in Syria, an area considered to be a potential flash point for such a war. Benjamin Fulford - past editor of Japanese Fortune magazine. He says his experience in financial reporting eventually led him to an awareness of secret groups that are active conspirators in the world. Recently wrote an article about an elite group of people who want to initiate WW3 and hide out in their bunkers.

[-] 1 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

NYPD is acting like Egypt anti-demonstration police! Are we free?

[-] 1 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

This is globalization at its worst!

[-] 1 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

I love it! Hosni Bloombarak!!!

[-] 1 points by Nutsontape (-5) 13 years ago

Senta a pua!

[-] 1 points by isweonthetape (-1) 13 years ago

Amazing analogy!!! I will print one right now and bring to Liberty Square!!!! Thanks for whoever did that! noisnafita.

[-] 1 points by noisnafita (-1) 13 years ago

Perfect message for the November 17th celebration, after the absurd actions of Mayor Bloomberg!! #occupyeverything
