Forum Post: Horrible, offensive reporting by CNN
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by accountablemedia
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The media people at Occupy Wall Street should really hold CNN accountable for this:
Erin Burnett, the journalist in the video, is a very biased one, indeed. She used to work on Wall Street as a Financial Analyst for Goldman Sachs and is married to a Citigroup Executive.
Wow, what a dumb video, and another F U from the 1%. I'm really curious what sort of person would believe this video, and think this might actually turn people away from CNN. Look at the comments though, they are not censored and sympathetic to OWS, almost like these forums!
It would be good if you would have some economists within your ranks who can refute this propaganda. The bitter truth is: Yes, the tax-payer made some profit with the bailout, but this profit will be overcompensated by the inflation that will be the result of the bailout and the profit. Though it is a little more complex the economic bottom-line is this: The Fed is simply printing the money that is later defined as bailout-profit, increasing the amount of floating money. This will result in a devaluation of the dollar. As a net result every citizen will be left with worthless sheets of paper that once were dollars. The only ones who will benefit are once again the banks and Wall Street who still hold the assets and even more so after the crisis.
WOW, the drivel that people will eat up! Mainstream media knows its game, people will believe anything and everything at face value without taking one second to think for themselves. Someone correct me if my math is wrong, but 700 billion - 10 billion still leaves 690 billion that we will never see again. The smug painted faces of these news puppets is intolerable.
Everyone, if you are interviewed by a station take time to think critically!! Speak fluently and confidently, don't fall into their traps! Know your facts.
Here's an idea, let them know! ::
As I understand it, most of the money has been paid back. WallStreet is back up and running but the rest of the economy is not.
Can we do anything to refute the claim the reporter makes that U.S. citizens actually made 10 billion on the bailouts? That can't be true, can it?
We did not make 10 billion on bailouts... companies made 10 billion on bailouts... the people who need to be bailed out is us... those of us who have no money to pay for things from the companies being bailed out. How does anyone expect us to pay for things when we have no money. Of course these businesses are going to be doing poorly if we can't afford to buy!
It should be noted I'm talking about the video...
Good clarification. I found the article highly accurate.
Yes - article was probably one of the best / most sympathetic in mainstream press. The video, however is really horrible. It would be wonderful if there were a way to counter her with the facts. Not just on this website but physically take the story to CNN with a large non-violent group.
Why not have the protesters not give interviews to CNN. Pass it along that nobody in the movement talks to CNN. That would make a statement to the MSM(main stream media) about fair reporting. Just a suggestion.
Or we could have a clear statement of goals that anyone could echo and use CNN and all the rest to spread our message. We're ignoring middle America that could give us so much support!!!! They're ripe for our message if we ever get around to having one.
I agree on spreading the message but if they spin the message anyways...