Forum Post: Homeless of Hungary are now officially deemed Criminals by their Government !
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 3:17 a.m. EST by CrossingtheDivided
from Santa Ysabel, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The rich get richer, the poor get jail (and/or a several-hundred dollar fine)!
"In Hungary, there are more and more elected officials who are uncompromising in pushing their will through no matter how much their constituencies think them mistaken or deluded. Democratic principles are of value to them only in so far that they serve as a source of their legitimacy. In everyday practice, there is an ostentatious display of sheer power in pursuit of the individual will of the leader, which becomes more relentless the more it encounters the opposition of the average citizen. This is not simply a statement about the country as a whole – it is an observation about a newly emerging political culture now discernable on the level of the microcosm as well as in the macrocosm.
Máté Kocsis, the mayor of Budapest’s 8th district (one of the most economically disadvantaged urban neighborhoods of the city) declared a war against the homeless in March of 2011. . . .
"While it costs 8000 Hungarian forints to lock a person into a jail cell for a day, and 3000 forint per bed to maintain the uninhabitable shelters of the district, subsidizing the rent of those without a residence could be secured by spending as little as 1000 forint a day. While the mayor is so preoccupied with the crime of homelessness, 500 apartments owned and managed by the district council are without occupants."
Penny for your thoughts?