Forum Post: Homeless Counts Should Be Counting Backwards
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 2, 2012, 7:48 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
and check this out. It's in the link up there but, some of ya'll won't look.
fuck you and your bot, butt boy.
that' for that troll guy voting down people.
Good article people. And a real initiative to move forward in housing the homeless. I've been there it is no laughing matter. The system needs work to help those who need it. This could be a very good step in the right direction.
If you really want to contribute to helping out the homless here is a good link
A very good link. I will need to take some time exploring the information presented. But yes this Habitat for Humanity is a step in the right direction. Perhaps we should all contact them to see what they could propose in saving the foreclosed and abandoned housing across the US from the meltdown. They would be in the best position to organize any reclamation effort. They may also have a link with/to 100khomes. If not they may want to reach out to each other in mutual support.
Very interesting.
Nooooo, thank you. :D
Minus 16? How did that happen? Oh, that's right. You're on the hit list of 'he who shall remain nameless (lest we all fall victim to his army of bots).
Let him bring it on. That is all he has.
How do his stupid bots get around being shadow banned, for over voting?
I have no idea. Really, I don't care. He is here to be divisive and he can only bullshit some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.
I do, we've lost too many to users like him.
The trolls are bad enough, without some putz running bots.
I've hated script kiddies since the days of AOL chat rooms.
Me, too. However, this is what we have to work with at this time. This is all we have. So, I think to myself, screw him. We can either allow him to stop all forms of communication or we can press on. There is nothing preventing us from keeping on.
I'm not going anywhere, but it does add an unnecessary "fear factor".
I have no idea how to deal with someone who decides he owns the forum.
Anyway, if you do get banned--I hope not--, let me know your new username.............................:)
Awe. Thrasy. Still peeved??
You are nothing more than a forum bully. One that needs over 15 identities yet screams about transparency. What happened? Somebody didn't buy into your line of BS?
You need 15 identities because you are a troll that has been repeatedly banned. Your sole purpose is to incite and create division. You are nothing more and nothing less than a troll.
You can bullshit some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. :D
You are not an intellectual. You are a bullshitter. A bullshitter in the midst of a tantrum. The exact same type of tantrum that we expect from 4 year olds.
hahahahahhaha good ridden libbie
You are a divisive element that is here to disrupt. You are a liar. You need more than one account because you have been repeatedly banned. There is no other reason.
Keep it up little drama queen.
how do they calculate the score?? Is it just by clicking like or dislike ?