Forum Post: Hmm riots bahh
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 2 a.m. EST by NSFM88SC
from Jersey City, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
planning on "restoring the democracy" by provoking martial law and having the election suspended. Yes, that sounds very democratic, and exactly what I would do if I was a depraved desperate fool about to be voted into oblivion. I'm profoundly inspired by the incessant "non-violent" violence that is going on at these"protests". Very classy.
You forgot to mention all of the crime such as sexual assault, shoplifting, drug using and dealing, and public defecation and urination to name a few going on at the various event (if you could call them events). I call it very disorganized chaos.
and the citizens don't have a voice, I tell you this is the prelude to a communist revolution!