Forum Post: History is repeating itself.......!
Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 27, 2014, 1:21 a.m. EST by jamespeterevanhoe
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George HW Bush.....Iraq "Gulf" War #1 George W Bush.......Iraq War #2 Obama ...................Iraq War #3
All 3 were failures...or will be a failure....because they should have never happened, but the US Military Leadership along with the US Presdents were fools and prolonged the destablization of the Middle East.....they actually created it starting with George HW Bush, the creator of "the Society of Deliberate Chaos"....Drugs, Drug Money Laundering Panama to HSBC, Iraq Wars, failed economies.....GHW Bush recession 88,89,90,91...George Jr....recession 08,09,10,11,12,13,14. An Iraqi Women working in the airport in Seattle, here for only 6 months, stated "they really dont care"...."its all about oil, money and making money off of war"....! Truth.... if the Middle East had no oil we wouldnt even be there...!
Obama statements about ISIS at the UN....needs to be compared to what this Country is doing in the Heroin Drug Trade......Afghanistan....their Heroin worth $70 billion in street value annually....thanks to the CIA, Vertol and the US Military, along with the Criminally Corrupt Afghan President....which soon will face International Arrest Warrants for the Afghan Heroin Trade killing thousands globally..US to China etc....and there will soon be International Arrest Warrants for the President of Mexico and his Bankers who launder both Afghan Heroin drug money and Mexican Heroin drug profits.....
Does Obama and Holder know this is happening? Absolutely. They both let the global Bank HSBC off of criminal convictions for Drug Cartel Money Laundering.....Matt Taibbi, "Rollingstone" magazine, states HSBC's cut of Drugs Globally is 20%....who owns HSBC....the Windsor Family of the UK....fact.
Join US for the March on Washington DC, Obama & Holder with the Fedup Rally September 28th, 2014.
Also learn who Chris Swecker is....who soon will be the US Attorney General who will prosecute the so-called "too big to fail" and "too big to prosecute"......Our new President ( which will not be a Clinton or a Bush ) come 2016, will prosecute them all.
Again! compare Obama's Speech to the UN on ISIS and the Killings of Global Civilians by Afghan Heroin and Mexican Heroin Drug Gangs & Pushers... and you'll say..."where is the global army to destroy Drug Cartels and the Bank HSBC?"
...............James Peter Evanhoe...............join us March on DC September 28th.
Good Post