Forum Post: Hijack alert! America needs to know your solutions
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, noon EST by improvingourworld
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is very simple to understand. It's common sense.
Mass media ridicules this movement for not having clear solutions. America wonders about this too. And this lack of clarity leaves the movement open to being hijacked later on -- if it's not already been hijacked, to serve as a way to relieve public anger and frustration while ultimately accomplishing very little.
Before people join, they want to know what they're signing up for. They want a firm commitment on proposed solutions. Are they peaceful and legal? Real they achieve real, lasting improvement -- or are they temporary smokescreens (small changes in laws that will likely be eroded over time)? Consider using sortition (selection by lottery) as a part of the process to choose representatives in government. It was used in the first democracy (Athenian democracy) as the best way to safeguard democracy against corruption.
Avoid the mistakes of past popular movements in countries around the world -- that got hijacked at the end by charismatic leaders with terrible solutions. This happened because people were encouraged to focus, complain, and angrily vent about problems; and there was very little calm discussion on solutions. Also, the stages of 1) finding solutions, 2) reaching consensus on them, and 3) implementing them requires real work. People drop away from that effort at each stage. It's much easier to complain forever.
Which are you doing? Moving forward or endlessly dwelling on the past? By focusing on solutions now, we prevent a future hijack of the movement.
Let's make a list of the agreed upon, major problems. Then let's move forward with proposing, discussing, reaching consensus on, and implementing real and lasting peaceful, legal solutions.
Don't get hijacked! Beware!
thank god. at least there is one person who understands what needs to be done. I'll repost my comment in case u missed it...
Hello everybody! I'm afraid we are running out of time. i've seen this happen before. We need a simple, well defined, achievable goal for everyone to get behind (including Tea Partiers), or this thing is going to fade and die. Without a singular direction that can be summarized in a single phrase, The media will lose interest. And without the attention, the bulk of Americans will lose their patience, turn on us, and then write us off as dirty hippies. You can hear it starting already. ("ok, you've made your point, time to move out" etc....) We need to get everybody moving in the same direction NOW, or it's over. After the ball is rolling, then we can address other issues.
My Suggestion: A Constitutional Amendment to fight for: THE "CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE AMENDMENT"
I'm not saying my idea is the only way to go, but i know that working class republicans can get behind this issue. (not the ultra rich ones of course) if we can get them on our side then the media won't be able ignore it.
please circulate this idea to the right people thank you Bobby X Anderson