Forum Post: Higher Education Needs to Be Public Education
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:01 a.m. EST by AmericanBolshevik
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Simple fact: You need at least a Bachelors Degree to be able to get even a halfway decent job today. There is no reason that young Americans need to start life hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt just to become employable. We need to make higher education a part of our public school system. Some advantages? Tax supported: No more tuition hikes. Statewide standards: One of the biggest problems facing higher ed today is that of standards. How do you make them and who enforces them. For the K-12 public school system, the answer is simple: The standards are set by the state education department. If a school fails to meet those standards, the state can take steps to bring that school in line. But at the college level, all bets are off. Is a Harvard BA the same as a Hofstra BA? Who knows?
Finally, we need to ask ourselves the question: Would it have been fair fifty years ago to ask Americans to pay private tuition for a high school diploma when that was the standard for employability?
Dumb. No more entitlements.
I don't agree. Do you know how many millionaires and billionaires didn't finish high school or even go to college? We are being BRAINWASHED into believing we need that so called fucking degree. We feel so fucking not special without it. Take away that brainwash. We have been duped into believing we need to give other people money TO TAP INTO OUR GOD OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IT, GIVEN GIFT.
Can you imagine, if you were to take that same amount of money that your parents, you, or the fucking govt loans that you rack up and end up paying the rest of you life, into your OWN BUSINESS...........? It's a fucking scam.
Right on bro check out the school sucks podcast and a guy named John Taylor Gatto.
Also - the City of New York has a long history of free, public higher education. That sadly ended in 1971.
CCNY was the first free public institution of higher education in the United States and also for many years has been considered the flagship campus of the CUNY public university system. Founded in 1847, charged no tuition until 1971.
In Europe, free university education is available.
My friends who qualify for dual citizenship are getting it so that they can have options for their children.
I agree! The GI Bill essentially does this for veterans, making education free for those who are willing to fight and die for the state. But this only encourages wars of aggression. What we need is an equivalent of the GI Bill that makes education free for those who are willing to put in a few years of public service. That would combine job training (an essential for employment) with education, and also bring people into the university with a lot more experience and maturity under their belts. But I'd definitely also go for a European-styled free university system, such as the one in France.
Good point. In a different forum, I suggested this. Convert every community college into a 4yr college right away. Education is the individual's job to take up. The school is only a guide/framework to teach them how to learn. As long as its accredited its good to go.
Our education system is a copy of the Prussian model from the 19th century. Public schools are about controlling society and squashing our ability to think for ourselves not education. Think about how many lies we tell to children in school.
I agree that the educational system is often all about teaching social conformity and training up the next generation of good workers... but that doesn't change the fact that if society is going to be controlling society and squashing creativity and so forth, at least if could have the grace not to charge us money for it.
So brainwashing kids is ok if it's free? Even if it was "free" it would have to be paid for by taxes I.e. Not free at all.