Forum Post: High Unemployment Brings Marx to the World Bank
Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 10, 2014, 12:52 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"We have considered the political reasons for the opposition to the policy of creating employment by government spending. But even if this opposition were overcome - as it may well be under the pressure of the masses - the maintenance of full employment would cause social and political changes which would give a new impetus to the opposition of the business leaders. Indeed, under a regime of permanent full employment, the 'sack' would cease to play its role as a 'disciplinary measure. The social position of the boss would be undermined, and the self-assurance and class-consciousness of the working class would grow. Strikes for wage increases and improvements in conditions of work would create political tension. It is true that profits would be higher under a regime of full employment than they are on the average under laissez-faire . . . But 'discipline in the factories' and 'political stability' are more appreciated than profits by business leaders."
from: Low Wage Growth, High Long-Term Unemployment Recognized as International Problem Posted on September 10, 2014 by Yves Smith
The hubris of upper middle class and ruling elites has bothered me since my early teens. I've rebelled against their control and authority all my life . . . at least in spirit. I find them detestable, onerous, obnoxious and insufferable. That they think they're righteous and a blessing to the human race they parasitize is ironic. That they think themselves human at all is idiotic.
An important heat map. Where all devices are connected to the internet in the world :
The 0.01% Parasite Class are the same the world over and the rule of The Bankster Oligarchs HAS to end. The inter-web is a great tool for The 99% - hence the link above & thanx for a excellent forum-post and link. Yves Smith and her web-site are brilliant.
The yearning for freedom from the greedy grasp of The Banksters - is what is driving the ''Yes'' vote in Scotland's Independence Referendum right now as Left-of-Centre Scots, prepare to kick the Right-of-Centre and the out right - Right-Wing UK Political Establishment, in the nuts !!! Fyi please consider :
''Preparing to Asset-Strip Local Government? The Fed's Bizarre New Rules'', by Ellen Brown : ;
''Elizabeth Warren on Fighting Back Against Wall St. Giants'' with Bill Moyers (Vid. 25:28) :
"Marx's 'Das Kapital' Lives On in Capitalist Age" (Audio) : ;
''Some Outrageous Facts about US Inequality", by Paul Buchheit : ;
''Oligarchy USA'', by Karen Garcia : & + .. .
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...