Forum Post: Hezbollah Unmasked
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 18, 2013, 12:06 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I find this very interesting.
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 18, 2013, 12:06 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I find this very interesting.
Whatever. The UK and US have been involved in clandestine terrorist activity for much longer than this group. It's all in the word choice. Extraordinary rendition, liberation, freedom, (shock and awe were dropped), drone strikes on civilians and citizens. The word terrorism is used very loosely, these days.
Whatever. I'm looking for if this will be used as justification at this point. Especially considering that the Lebanese people do not like Hezbollah.
I'd say their support has significantly dropped since 2006. Although, you're right there are neighborhoods that do support them. It is widely believed that Hezbollah assassinated Rafik Hariri and that was in 2005.
For all we know, this group is on the blackwater payroll, and that is why Lebanese people hate them.
No, Hezbollah gets their weapons from Iran and Syria which means it should be coming from China and Russia.
It's a blue/red pill, for mine.
From operation Ajax in the fifties, to operation Northwoods in the sixties, to false flag ops for Iraq, I don't believe a single line of rhetoric from your government.
They are so reliably full of shit that anything else they say is ignored.
I don't either. Hence, my questions. I made a post below but I'm too lazy to copy pasta today.
GirlFriday, you must be Jewish
You know they are slow.
Europe has been reluctant to confront the truth about their very large minority.
Hearing what is said - not in their own language - is a real barrier to understanding about Islam
is a BBC produced documentary - so you can hear the truth IN ENGLISH
While i would never condone attacks against innocent civilians...ever....i think it's important to understand where Hezbollah came from.
Hezbollah was the first modern suicide terrorist organization. They were formed because of the occupation of their territory by other countries (France, Israel and the US)....which invaded Lebanon.
In 1982 Hezbollah didn't exist...after 1982 it did. What happened in 1982? That's when they were invaded.
It is estimated that Israels initial operation (invasion) killed between 3,000-5,000 civilians in Lebanon and left 70,000 to 80,000 homeless (Robert Papes "Dying to Win").
How many civilians have we killed and countries have we invaded because of the attack on us on september 11th that killed 3,000 of our citizens?
It's important to understand the historical origins of groups like stop them from forming in the future.
I know the historical origins of this group. Again, this is not a group that the Lebanese people like. Now, do you see this as a signal of a direction that the US will take?
The act that brought Hizballah worldwide infamy came the following year: the 1983 suicide bombing of a U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 American servicemen — the largest single-day death toll for the Marine Corps since Iwo Jima. The eventual U.S. pullout from Beirut in 1984 was seen as Hizballah's first "victory" —strengthening their credibility within Lebanon as an organization that could truly bring about change.
Read more:,8599,1903301,00.html#ixzz2LICE81Te
Since 2011, the group has murdered civilians in Bulgaria, seen its activities disrupted in Cyprus and Thailand, and worked to plot attacks elsewhere. It is helping to prop up the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria; and it acts as a proxy for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in the region and beyond. In doing so, Hezbollah is putting the well-being of Lebanon and its people at risk.
Now that Bulgarian authorities have exposed Hezbollah’s global terrorist agenda, European governments must respond swiftly. They must disrupt its operational networks, stop flows of financial assistance to the group, crack down on Hezbollah-linked criminal enterprises and condemn the organization’s leaders for their continued pursuit of terrorism.
The United States applauds those countries that have long recognized Hezbollah’s nefarious nature and that have already condemned the group for the attack in Burgas. Europe must now act collectively and respond resolutely to this attack within its borders by adding Hezbollah to the European Union’s terrorist list. That is the next step toward ensuring that Burgas is the last successful Hezbollah operation on European soil.
Ok, let's say that the EU finally adds them to their terrorist list. Support and how?
I want to say that last year or year before last (I'm thinking two years and fuck I'm getting old) the US had a military arms package that they wanted to give to Lebanon. Nassrallah came out with how they didn't need to purchase any weapons from the US and that Hezbollah was the military. Gemayel and Hariri said no we have a military thanks-so-much. They want Nasrallah to turn their weapons over to the military and let the military do their job and he refuses. I think that it was a few days after this sparring that there was a car accident in Beirut and a major shoot out. That's when they figured out that Hezbullah had a shit load of weapons inside of Beirut. I don't know what ever happened to the military aid but I think it was right after that Syria exploded. Don't you find that a bit odd? The weapons deal, I mean. I don't know whatever became of it.
Strange bedfellows, you mean?
Al qaeda are on the payroll again, and blackwater is growing out of all proportion to the need for emergency troops, so I won't discount any possibility.
Like I've stated elsewhere here, the BS that comes out of your pentagon lends the lie to everything they pass off as truth. Once bitten, twice shy.
Ever heard of the "boy who cried wolf"? That's the obstacle your PR team now has to overcome, and I don't see too many people accepting anything without evidence for a very long time.
Yes and no.
First off, they aren't my PR team. We don't buy that shit. So, let's not pretend that most of us think anyone else is buying that shit either. I have stated and restated that our foreign policy hasn't changed in about 100 years. I could make the argument for much longer if I so chose. But, let's not kid ourselves here. Somewhere along the line there are countries in the EU that must derive some benefit by not seeing Hezbollah as terrorists. There are things that we can read and the behind the scenes shit. The US changes terrorist groups when it is most beneficial.
The US allies in Lebanon would be aligned with Hariri and Gemayel. See this?
Our tactics don't change. Haven't ever. It's like chess. The smaller groups---between nation-states or within. A larger one, by the super powers. My preference is to read articles from other nation states. Then sift through the propaganda.
Then be realistic about Iran.
If they usurped your presidency and imposed a murderous police regime on your country, imagine the outcome.
What is it that you'd like me to be realistic about?
Realistically, the US provided weapons to both Iraq and Iran but provided chemical weapons to Iraq---which Iran had never seen. It was the most devastating shit they had ever encountered. The whole fucking thing is about acquiring oil.
WTF is there to get realistic about?
Get realistic about why your nation's congress wants to invade Iran.
That will do for starters.
the nathion's congress believes in creationism
the nathion's congress believes Obama is a Muslim. HOW ABOUT THE TRUTH? some of the Rs in the nathion's congress believes in creationism
some of the Rs in the nathion's congress believes Obama is a Muslim. some of the Rs in the nation's congress want to invade Iran.
specifically - can you name three Democrats who subscribe to ANY of these
I know why they want to invade Iran. Now what?
Okay, and you recognize the lies surrounding the invasion of Libya, right?
Yes. Why don't we just save ourselves the trouble and speed this up to the present time?
Meaning admitting that Iran is not a threat?
I have repeatedly stated on this forum that Iran is not a threat.
I'm sure you have.
And thank you for your reiteration.
You mean will the US go after them?
Well, yes. It's more a question of how.
I am halfway through the first part of Kissinger's book Crisis: The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crisis. For those of you that read it--shut up I got around to it. For those that didn't these are the transcripts of the telephone conversations that Kissinger had starting October 6, 1973 (Yom Kipper War). The second part is Indochina 1975 but I haven't got there yet.
I flip on my computer and there is this lovely op-ed by Thomas E. Donilon. Is that right? I'm thinking well if that isn't strategically placed and timed then I don't know what is. Anyhow, that's my head space.
One didn't study the finer points of National Socialism before defeating Germany; one didn't mediate on the code of Bushido while performing the tea ceremony before defeating Japan.
Find the groups and wipe them out!
Say what?
How is this not anti Semitic? Is OWS officially anti Zionist?
More succinctly, why would you claim the post to be anti anything?
What is surprising? Hezbollah has been known for its terrorist activities for years.
I'm not surprised.
I find it interesting for several reasons. First, it has taken Europe this long to recognize them as a terrorist group. Why is that? Second, is this a signal as to what course of action comes next?
Israel attacked a syrian convoy with weapons bound for Hezbollah about 2 weeks ago.
Ya and Lebanon is doing everything it can to distance itself from that.
Go Israel !!!
Indeed!! Israel doesn't seem to be hampered by such sensitivities as world opinion.
israel is a tiny country. they excell in technical and medical innovations and discoveries. their neighbors are only interested in destroying isreal. israel doesnt waste time with P.C. garbage or the un.
Here's some more old news