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Forum Post: Hey, who's Running things in New York? #1

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:07 p.m. EST by gregstafford999 (17)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hello all,

Who is leading the Occupy Movement, please?

Could someone let me know? Or redirect this message to them?

I've been writing about these problems for eight years and may have some content you guys might find useful? Although I see a lot of great discussion here.

Is there a coherent Set of Demands yet?

Without demands, no one in authority can be expected to comply. And.. from what I can tell, there actually ARE people in authority who want a lot of the changes that we all want.

To summarize a bit..

There are so many things that need to be changed, it would be very easy to

discourage people and get so swamped in Issues that nothing gets done.

What if we start with some large systemic issues that would, by themselves,

create a much healthier democracy?

  1. restore tax rates for Income OVER 250k to what it was under Bill Clinton (Note that the rate for 250k & UNDER remains the same as now)

  2. Increase tax rate on Capital Gains, Dividends, "Carried Interest" and whatever OTHER Code Words the Wealthy use for their UnEarned "Income" to DOUBLE whatever it is for people who actually WORK for a living. (We need to pay the Trillions in Debt they ran up these past 10 years or so..)

    Note that Billionaires are too expensive for ANY Economy to Support and are the "Economic Royals" mistakenly created by our failing "Democratic Republic" by decreasing the taxes on Millionaires from the correct 90% that it was under Nixon to the 18% that it is now..

    Billionaires are not consumers. They Invest. In OTHER Economies..

    "Thousands of dollars in your pocket are a joy. Trillions are a Vast Responsibility". ~Greg Stafford

  3. ZERO payroll tax on first 30K income

  4. A Medical Insurance run by government. Just ONE PLAN. (Expand Medicare)

    You Get Sick, They Make You COMPLETELY WELL AGAIN.

    And that goes DOUBLE for VETERANS.

  5. Money out of politics. PUBLICLY JOIN THE CALL FOR THEIR

                                       CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT


    Or text “SIGN” to 917-720-6888 to sign the petition.

    These are serious, credentialled people and their effort has already gained 200,000 citizen signatures. If they can acquire Millions, there are Members of Congress willing to put it up for debate.. at which point we may be able to help them fight it through to a successful vote.

    There are many Members of Congress who would rather not be shackled to the NEED for Constant Fundraising, which eats up far more than HALF of their DAY, EVERY DAY RIGHT NOW.


    Note that.. The Cost of broadcast air time is going UP UP UP every year, SIMPLY DUE TO “MARKET DEMAND”

    Requiring more and more Fundraising time from Elected Officials WHO SHOULD BE SPENDING THAT TIME READING AND NEGOTIATING LEGISLATION.

6 Breakup the News Media Consolidation

Call for the 14,000 News Media Companies (Newspapers, magazines, Tv and Radio Stations) to be SOLD OFF by their owners?

*Just FIVE Corporations? (GE bought 87% of them..)

They bought them and fired all of the Investigative Staff as a “cost cutting” move, which, coincidentally, snuffed out all of the profit killing talk about bad products and consumer lawsuits etc.

That would create lots of jobs all by itself and give us Real, Impartial News once again.

A necessary component of ANY Healthy Democratic Society.

Which is why we are where we are right now..

Things have been getting better since the Board of Directors at GE was shocked at the Bush Administration’s handling of the Katrina fiasco.. otherwise things would be just as bad or worse by now,

but we’d still be getting happy talk..

and NO News about the “Occupy” Movement at all.

In short, we’re in a healthier place than we were, but we’ve still got a ways to go.



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[-] 1 points by steve005 (256) from Cincinnati, OH 13 years ago
