Forum Post: "Hey it could always be worse.."
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2012, 7:59 p.m. EST by elf3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I guess this means we should accept and know our stations and never try for more nor try to change anything to be better?
"It could always be worse" - somehow I don't think America or any free nation was built on that phrase.
Wow people really eat up that corporate propaganda really spreads fast in America, (but hey, I guess it could always be worse)
This is why OWS and all of the Occupy movements came into being - because it is damn bad right now and needs to get much better in a continuous overall process -powered by the people.
Hey, it could always be better.
I guess the new standard to be brainwashed into peoples head is "trickle down government" and "it could always be worse"
I don't think America was built on those sayings. Of course if people think that way, eventually it will become that way - you know, like the muslims do with brainwashing their children.
Someone asked me who I thought won the debate. I said "the establishment"...they looked at me puzzled. I said "Because the day after, the Americans still think this is as good as it gets"..
i love that answer!!!!!