Forum Post: Hey dummies your leaders are members of the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:04 p.m. EST by stank
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The morons at the occupy wallstreet should realize the people organizing their protest are mega rich individuals that are setting them up to be the fall guys. Even if you succeed these people will take the spoils for themselves making them richer and placing you in a position worse than you think you are now. Wise up - wake up - before you destroy yourselves.
I am guessing that the negative comments in this forum are from those that are either financially doing very well or are completely content with how things are and wish for no change at all. I also believe that these people are playing devil's advocate and all they are doing is firing up those of us that do want change.
I guarantee you that some of them are paid operatives of David Koch or Richard Scaife etc.
We want our democracy back. We want our country working again. We want those with money to have no more voice than we do. That's not the kind of "change" you can steal.
The 1% is a bubble like any other, and it only continues to grow. No one wants a true revolution, but if things continue as they are, how long before it is inevitable? A few decades? A few years?
So if there is no leader, then who did you list as the president/board of directors when you got tax exempt status? Who is taking the money and overseeing it? Who is sending the bulk of the money? THOSE are your leaders. Lets not pretend here. Nobody is that naive.
Unfortunately I think most OWSers are.
Great point
Stank: which rubbish right-wing group is paying you? You're doing nice work for Koch and Scaife. You should ask for a raise.
Already received 2 raises this year - waiting for my Christmas bonus now. Are they giving out Christmas bonuses to the protesters if you still occupy Wallstreet in December?
We're a leaderless organization run by consensus, which I'm guessing you already know.
By consensus - that means you all met and agreed on a common cause, right - boy that must have been some meeting because I never heard about it occurring. Oh I forgot it must have been the 10 people who decided everything and said it was a consensus because there are no leaders. Must have been their first example of how government would work if your protest succeeds. A leaderless society with a consensus of the people occurring before anyone moves forward. Yea, that will work - can't wait. 300 million people led by a consensus on everything. YEA, THAT WILL WORK. ONE BIG YUPPIEVILLE!!!
You didn't hear about it? How did you get here? The process is on going. Sure, at first it was 10 people. Then there were 100. Then 1,000. Then 10,000. The consensus is on going. There are general assemblies every day.
Consensus is the foundation of our government with representation. It is called democracy. One person, one vote, an equal share in deciding how our country decides its fate. The problem we're faced with today is that those who represent us now represent the interests of big business. Corporate influence and the millions of dollars used to hold it are the only votes that count.
I'm here to end that.
No it is called Socialism not Democracy. Socialism over history has failed every time it is tried. The only winners if you succeed will be the leaders of your so called leaderless protest. Your position will be worse than it is today by 10 fold. Sorry to rain on your parade but facts are facts. The leaders of your leaderless movement have one goal and one goal only - to bring down the USA government and impose the form of government they favor. At that point we will be lucky if it is Socialism - I believe a form of government far worse will be forced upon the people. You are only puppets to be discarded once your stated goals are reached. Then you will see what fools you were believing you were in a leaderless protest run by consensus when the leaders emerge to take credit and impose their will on you. BEWARE!!!
Our Chancellor Merkl is "Deutsche Bank"´s best friend. She´ll do everything to save the 1% , using the money of the 99% !!! So I wish "occupy wall street" movement is spreading to germany also! BUT wall street has to be occupied first, than London and Frankfurt will follow! Please : Don´t give up!
permalink, What do you mean by "canned responses?" I am a real blogger. An educated and informed one.
Educated where? I need to make sure my kids avoid that school!!!
dbturf - quit talking to yourself as MJT. They have mental counselors for these type problems.
Are you people that dumb not to realize you are being used. I am stunned by how clueless individuals can really be.
These are canned responses - why not let real bloggers answer rather than sendinbg out canned responses.
Well said MJT.
Stank, It is impossible for our "leaders" to be "members of the 1%" because this movement is leaderless. Arm yourself with facts and information. We are the 99%! Become part of the solution, do not create larger problems.
Stank - this is citizen driven movement to display the anguish of the American people. You can't seriously be pleased with the condition of the economy, can you?
I was surprised that
there were no keynote speakers at the rally in San Diego
You stank
We don't have leaders. We are organizing ourselves.
Then who is holding the money that has been donated?
The totals should be on the front page.
Good idea, you're right! I hope you go down to the general assembly and suggest just that.
I AM, nobody knows who took ask, so I AM asking.
Post the addys, Post the totals, hold up a freaking sign that say "General Assembly Here"
Or better yet, Post it on the front page of this site.
Wow I am impressed - if this is what you call organizing yourself - public nudity, defecating in the street, trashing the cities you occupy - I suppose if you lead by example and you succeed we can expect more of the same - NO THANKS!
Public nudity is legal. If you think nudity is wrong, then that's your problem. There has been no shitting in the streets.
There are a lot of young people stepping up, which is awesome in itself, but has its drawbacks. Misbehavior is an unwanted side effect, not a majority. They are 1% of us... We are the 98.01%!
So I I follow correctly, we should instead let you insult us, meanwhile? Let me think for a bit. Hmmm... No thanks.
I don't need to insult you - you are doing a good job of it yourselves!
May want to get specific - those that control politics are at the top of the banks (the FED and the TBTF banks), unions (mega rich individuals), and mega rich politicians. The only way to really combat the 1% is to take back the creation and control of OUR money - as per Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution.
This would also be the first foundational step to getting special interest money out of politics and returning a true political dialogue to the people.