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Forum Post: Hey can I get un-banned from chat? Greetings and power and strength and love! Raijin!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 2:23 p.m. EST by aLibertarian (44)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hey brothers and sisters of the Assembly! I come to you with messages of encouragement! 50% of the libertarian movement is behind you and before you now on the ground!

The other 50% are the farty old loosers who got suckered by Glen Beck and Fucksnews.

I want to say that I grew up around you and I know how the consensus system of de-centralized authority actually works and I know why you can't articulate a message until you actually have an assembly and I'm telling our agorist and minarchist factions that THIS IS HOW A VOLUNTARY SOCIETY ACTUALLY WORKS ON THE GROUND and YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY SEE IT AND TAKE PART IN IT TO SEE HOW IT WORKS.

Sorry for the all-caps but i'm a conservative. Who loves you and trusts you and believes in you.

I'm Little Joe Bear of Tribe Oyate. We are a very small tribe but we recognize you. And we send out love for now. Soon we will put some force into this and love you in a more active form.

For now, just love or as we say, 3VOL.



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