Forum Post: Here's what we need
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:33 p.m. EST by therising
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Iraq War veteran, Scott Olsen, to fully recover from his horrible injuries
to remain non-violent and active
to hope that the police at the behest of the 1% don't attack any more non-violent protesters
to remember that we can't prevent provocaateurs from entering marches and protests but we can choose our reaction when they attempt to incite violence (sit down, point at them and say calmly and clearly "We are non violent. This person is not with our group.". That way the nightly news clip is of this lone provocateur failing in his effort.
I agree remain calm and non violent as much as possible. This is the thing these provocateurs are really the people on the outside waiting for your movement to riot. You want to know why because they are prepared for you to riot so that they can permanently shut you down and take away more liberities. Non violence and social education they can't handle. So keep up the good work!!!
Yea.. sure.. he'll fully recover like that woman Gabrielle Giffords who got shot in the head and can't even spell her name now. This guy had his skull cracked by a projectile, here is a story of another person hit in the head with a tear gas projectile
"On March 13th, 2009, American citizen Tristan Anderson suffered numerous condensed fractures to the skull above the right eye socket after being struck with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during a demonstration in Ni’ilin. He suffered extensive brain tissue damage and is now paralyzed for life."
I wonder how Scott Olsen will come out of this...
very good. the camera will tell the story
Rise and be free
There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
Time for us to rise and shine
Let's rise and shine
The more you read about the movement, the more it sounds like America supports it. Press is starting to come around and so are people.
Walter Cronkite Exposed the 1% and The Chicago Love Police
Thanks. You just donated a dollar to the Occupy Wall Street movement. You know why?