Forum Post: Here's to Trying something New.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:33 a.m. EST by Believeinthemeek
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The conversations seem to be broken. PLEASE help this thing work by working through solutions. It's not about your ego... it's about joining a timebank or somehow NOT supporting the corruption in the financial system. It's about reforming a community... a city... a state... government... however big or small your brains want to think. But it NEEDS to be about doing it... we need something more to keep us going than arguments with trolls.
got a post related to yours here:
you are right let's continue conversations, to brainstorm ideas. Aiming to fix things, not bring others down.
And yes, let's not support something that is against our ideals. We may not be perfect, but we can work towards a perfect situation.
Always being thankful for the good things already surrounding us.