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Forum Post: Here's to the all the right-wing nuts occupying this forum, a true testament to the success of OWS with every word they type!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 2:24 p.m. EST by unarmed (213)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Oh come on if OWS wasn't a success you wouldn't be here.



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[-] 4 points by professorzed (308) from Hamilton, ON 13 years ago

Yes, that is true.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

[-] 3 points by opensociety4us (914) from Norwalk, CT 13 years ago

how someone uses their time says a lot about them

[-] 2 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

Yep, for some reason a group of people feel so threatened by OWS they are on the boards peddling crap and lies non stop. If they weren't control freaks, they could go watch TV, read a book, go shopping. Lets face it, if they had all the money they claim to have, they'd be out xmas shopping wouldn't they??? Wildly successful people use their time more wisely and believe their time is oh so valuable. They accuse OWS of being poor and a drain on them. HA! the only difference is where their backside is parked, at a computer(no name antagonist group), or in a park OWS. They are a protest movement against a protest movement, who has no declared name, no list of demands, no power, no influence. Hmmmm. I think its very telling that very few ever say they belong to any group but that they all know each other. They even seem to be using a scripted question list for the board that repeats itself as if it came right off a little list. So yeah, I'd say they are afraid OWS, very and fanatically afraid.

[-] 0 points by jayp74 (195) 13 years ago

Right on. This is better than playing solitaire.

[-] 0 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

If that is how you value success its easy to see how you have failed at life and become a burden to this society instead of contributing.

[-] -1 points by wcedward (58) 13 years ago

There is no doubt that OWS is not making media coverage... however do not be naive to believe that everyone who is responding to these post are right-wing nuts... I am neither right wing or left wing I am just generally concerned about the nonsense this movement is starting and would like to educate people about real issues that this movement causes. Right now it is like the blind leading the blind and it is very sad



[-] -2 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Actually, it's more like watching a train wreck. lol

[-] 2 points by unarmed (213) 13 years ago

Yea…a 80 ton locomotive with the letters R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N stamped on it's side, heading full steam towards you… and you right-wing nuts try to stop it by posting garbage on a web site, LOL is right! Shows me just how desperate you truly are.

[-] -1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

More like a toy electric train with not much track and a bad transformer. lmao

[-] 2 points by unarmed (213) 13 years ago

Your'e transfixed, be careful though, it's about to hit ya!

[-] -1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Uh, no. Sorry, it's gone off the track. lol

It soon will be put back in the box and up on a shelf where it will be forgotten other than as a childhood memory by those who played with it.

[-] 2 points by unarmed (213) 13 years ago

Nah, I think I will be seeing at least another 20 idiotic post by "Frankie " within the next few hours… tells me that Frankie is afraid of something, my guess, it aint a toy train.

[-] -1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

You'd be wrong.

You know maybe if you stop playing with toy trains and apply yourself in more productive ways, then maybe you can run a real train one day.

Or not... Toot tooooot... Toot toooooot... lol