Forum Post: Here's One Of The Many Problems With The Federal Reserve.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 1, 2012, 5:08 p.m. EST by XXAnonymouSXX
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Boy these goons love to print and throw money at the big banks.
Does this upset you? Or have you become so numb that you just want to click away and look at hot models – or read about celebrities? “I don’t want to hear this $#!+. My life is bad enough as it is.”
26 Trillion is a gigantic number. Seemingly unimaginable.
This is a documented, proven fact. Isn’t it strange that you’ve hardly heard anything about this in the mainstream media?
That should be your first clue. Knowledge is power. Instead of feeling sick, angry, paranoid, sad or depressed, be aware that once you know the truth, nothing can stop us.
There will be losses. David and Mackie Hutlzer may be two of the most recent ones. However, once a "critical mass" of people possess sensitive information, there is simply no possible way to stop it from spreading.
Most people can’t even comprehend such a vast amount of money as 26 Trillion dollars in practical terms – but we’ll get to that.
The results of the audit were first published on the morning of July 21, 2011.
At first, the most obvious number that jumped out from the report was "only" 16 trillion. You have to add in the ten trillion in “currency swaps” to reach the full 26-trillion-dollar mark.
Let's stick with the initial figure of 16 trillion for now, as there are very few articles on this subject – and most of them quote that number.
This next article from clearly reveals the scope of the outrage:
The results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100-year history were posted on Senator Sanders’ webpage earlier this morning:
What was revealed in the audit was startling: $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations, and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland.
From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments.
The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned -- and it was loaned out at 0% interest.
Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious.
The American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.
So how much could this figure of 16 trillion dollars have done if it were redirected into the United States economy, on behalf of the people -- rather than rewarding the banks and financial institutions who started all this mess in the first place?
Let's continue with the article from and find out:
To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that the GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion.
The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion.
The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is “only” $3.5 trillion.
Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.
In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed -- and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie -- considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars.
As it turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.
All too true but most people have no idea there is NO MONEY. I don't know why the ows movement haven't made this into one of several mantras. I suspect is the wall st. people don't know let alone the man on the street. Puts a whole new meaning on "weatthy"! Have you thought about lt? Actually, the more "money" you have, the more debt you own!
that's just the beginning....