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Forum Post: Here lies a good person broke until the end but he/ she never harmed another person in the making of their own life.

Posted 12 years ago on March 15, 2012, 8:38 p.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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[-] 2 points by pewestlake (947) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Bechtel is an old school villain. This story got some press when it was going down. I remember some serious riots in the streets.

"Eighteen months after it was kicked out of Bolivia, Bechtel and its co-investor, Abengoa of Spain, filed a $50 million legal demand against Bolivia before a closed-door trade court operated by the World Bank, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). For four years afterwards Bechtel and Abengoa found their companies and corporate leaders dogged by protest, damaging press, and public demands from five continents that they drop the case.

On January 19, 2006 Bechtel and Abengoa representatives traveled to Bolivia to sign an agreement in which they abandoned the ICSID case for a token payment of 2 bolivianos (30 cents). This is the first time that a major corporation has ever dropped a major international trade case such as this one as a direct result of global public pressure, and it sets an important precedent for the politics of future trade cases like it."


[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 12 years ago

Thanks for this link and info - people do have the power to create justice they just have to realize it's there and be ready and willing to act .. like Occupy... we will get there! Our message is clearer and stronger than ever. People don't seem to need explanations anymore the argument has switched to how to change it - even corporations are jumping into this because it has grown popular it get's ratings .. they are discussing it. The truth can't be unseen the awareness has spread and this movement is stronger than ever. Congratulations Occupy - you've achieved the biggest step in less time than it takes a corporation to put together an advertising campaign.

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 12 years ago


Leasing the Rain - Bechtel Corporation (AMERICAN COMPANY BASED IN CALIFORNIA) Californians tried to dis-band them - the politicians refused as they had taken pay-offs and contributions from the company.

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 12 years ago

It's all there if you choose to see it - or go about making your own life don't worry about those who were harmed in the process either directly or INDIRECTLY through apathy.

[-] 1 points by JenLynn (692) 12 years ago

Some context would be helpful. Who are these people? where were the pictures taken? What are some of the details of their lives?

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 12 years ago

does it matter - !? !? !? I think the pictures say enough - one percent is hoarding away the planets nature given abundance while millions starve and work as slave laborers. I think it's clear enough ...what context do you need are you some kind of psychopath? The pictures are from a story on CNN - Chinese workers live in cages that actually cost half their monthly salary ... Children starving in countries where people used to farm their own land before their governments threw them off of it (paid and enticed by corporations in rich nations that desire the resources). In Bolivia, people were charged more than their salaries could bare ridiculously exorbitant costs for water - the company that came in and did this was an American company - they paid off the Bolivian government and had them forbid people from gathering rain water thereby forcing them into coming up with the money or dehydrate to death. Yes jail for gathering rain water American company based in California. Or just keep turning your cheek and denying the truth. Your watch good citizen with your political "interest" and posts.

[-] 1 points by JenLynn (692) 12 years ago

Yes it matters, the actual circumstances always matter. Nothing can be changed without knowing just what's wrong in the first place.