Forum Post: Here is what has to be done... no other way
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:24 p.m. EST by raybro
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi Occupywallst generation
I've have been fighting for this very cause but years earlier in the courts against our governments. Now, I've been forced into silence. I'm breaking this silence today. You should know why the government is the way it is and why we "the people" are being oppressed and what you should do to make a really big change happen.
We are oppressed as you know because the Banking industry is taking over by imposing never ending debts onto governments and people in general. Debts that can never be repaid.
The truth is, that in 1913 the Bank act was created and enacted in the US, Canada and many other democratic countries. All around the world all around the same time. This bank act gave way to private corporations like "the federal reserved, Bank of Canada" to create money out of thin air. That is when the debts started. It has continued to the point that governments are now working under the directions of the bankers and the people are being robbed of all their money and properties bit by bit. The IRS and CCRA are collection agencies for the bankers(income tax). Millions every year are raped financially by these agencies.
It got so bad that we are now where we are today. It will never end until we do something that will stop the banking corporation. It a simple idea but I believe it will work. By pushing this idea into the world, it will cause big changes to the monetary system and provide a chance for the people to get back the control of the monetary system and to restore creativity, balance and wealth to all the people and not just to the few.
We should protest and demand the government to cancel the bank act, (which they can if the majority demands it to be) re-take the powers of creating our own money back into the government power by the people for the people based on the nation's wealth in gold reserves. By protesting and chanting to cancel the bank act, the banks will start to fear the people. Its a chance for the people and government to eliminate banking control and set us free to prosper in our nations. This change will eventually eliminate all debts, all income taxes, all high prices, all fees, all the other hidden taxes that are now plaguing our society today.
So for as long as the Bank Act is in affect, the private banking industries will continue their agenda and financially rape our entire nations of all our wealth.
Ray Brousseau A Canadian that individually fought the government and found out why we are where we are today.
You're preaching to the choir, my friend. Ending the Fed is indeed one of the major points being discussed by members of OWS, along with other banking-related reforms. It's no coincidence that federal income taxes also came into being in 1913, at least here in the States. You are correct in everything you say. Welcome aboard.
What you've posted has merit - but I would point out that taxes are what keeps the water system working for example. The roads and bridges.
Social Security withholdings are a form of tax. They help keep grandma fed. Just barely, and that is an issue that will in time be addressed.
My point is that if we pick up a specifically anti-tax platform, it will draw those from the right who have been advocating just such a policy for years - and to our general harm.
Yeah! Let's bang some drums outside banks and make everything all better. Yeah!
Hi RexDiamond - I'm 50, but I'l take the compliment of being a young mind. I think you may be a young mind yourself.
However, if we can all get out of the arguing stages and look seriously at this, you will see that (bank act) is what is making things happen to us today. If the bank act was cancelled, the federal reserve would not have anymore power with money. I'm not sure how the transition would occur but it would certainly bring all corporations to a standstill.
The problem with getting your president and or our prime minister to cancel the bank act is they have a gun to their heads. You see, all leaders are now controlled by bankers who offer the elected official a choice with one of two things, a gun with a bullet that has their name on it in one hand and multi millions of dollars in the other. They say, do as we ask and you get the money or take the bullet. If all your country's people and my country's people marched peacefully together - just like Gandy did and demand that the bank act be cancelled and that government reclaim the right to create their own money based on the nation's wealth of gold reserves, cancelled all corporate debts because the bank act is null and void, we would have the chance to start over as a government for the people, run by the people -- bottom up structure.
Its really a simple gesture, but quite a task to organize. United people have the ability to change the world. We are now in the stages of awakening and at first, it can be scary and mind blowing to find out the truth about our current situation in our country, but once the shock phase has passed, we can be rational and organize and change the world without violence, profanity and reactive minds.
Ever seen ohcanadamovie ? amazing (and funny) banking system expose
How about changing the banking rule of law to "Justifiable debt restructure does not require a credit default first".
Make this one change and people can control their unending debt issues.
Hi OccupyNews If you change the banking rules, you will have to have the bank act modified only. It won't be long when they will again change it to favor themselves. I don't know about you but I read the bank act, its all in there. As long as the bank act is in affect, the federal reserve has to the powers to do as they like. That's how they came to be. Passed through your congress and our enacted through parliament (canada) this act that gave them the powers to create money. Over the years, they have amended this act to favor them and of course also included sections that states that they cannot be held accountable for their action because they operate the banking corporation as a "natural persons" and have all the rights associated with that capacity, which it isn't an fiduciary entity (individual corporate body) but a sovereign human being. They know the rights associated with being a sovereign human being. Its all in the act, which they made it complicated to read, but if you look at it, you will see it all laid out.
and yet, if "Justifiable debt restructure" becomes a consumer right, it takes away A LOT of the power that the banks, government, and wall street have over the 99%.
In essence, what justifiable debt restructure means is, we have a contract agreement, but if the economy screws up, we the people can legally change the terms on out contract and not be put into credit default for doing so.
That would be a good thing for most americans, and a bad thing for the billionaires.
Every one has issues and wants change. It keeps coming back to the same question, how does change happen. The 'leaders' say they don't know but we know that's a damn lie. It's nothing new, it ain't rocket science.
Come together as a unified population and demand a government that is for the people and not one that is for corporate big money and itself ( which is what we have ).
Yea that's the idea. How is that accomplished? The tried tested and true way, a gift from the founding fathers:
And the people said:"AMEN !"
The people said "fuck you and the horse you rode in on KING George " notice how king and wall are both four letter words?
I don't understand your response. Are you agreeing with my point?
Yea I agree, a debt jubilee would help solve the problems. But everyone wants to put the cart before the horse: the prime mover in all of this is the petition to the government for a redress of grievances (1st amendment, right after the peaceably assemble part). There is a legal process to this, occupying has served it's purpose, time to move to the next level. people need to be talking about that because that's where the rubber meets the road.
heheehee, a debt jubilee. Debt Jubiliee's here, get your Debt jubiliees.
Justifiable Debt Restructure, make those three word legal and the billionaires and wall street, lose, big time. Way more than trying to put them in jail or fining them or raising their taxes.
The amazing thing is, justifiable debt restructure is reasonable, anybody against justifiable debt restructure would be the real enemy, anybody for justifiable debt restructure would see its inherent fairness.
sorry, no time to argue semantics.
Why argue at all?
This post was constructed by a young mind who has no idea what oppression feels like. This kind of immature rhetoric is what keeps OWS on the fringe.
I'm 50, definetly not a young mind, but at least an inquisitive one, and will continue to explore whether the thoughts presented have merit. It's a shame when we get so old and rigid that we simply dismiss that which we find foreign.