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Forum Post: Here is the deal our elected representatives, on our behalf, should have struck with "Big Finance" back in 2008, but didn't because of the corruption, which continues in greater form today, between "Big Finance" and DC:

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 9:10 p.m. EST by opensociety4us (914) from Norwalk, CT
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Okay, Wall Street, you assert that, unless the taxpayer provides capital to the institutions you manage, those institutions and the economic system will collapse.

Sure, Wall Street, we'll provide you with the capital. The taxpayer, however, now owns these institutions to do what they want with. For the mismanagement of these institutions you're all fired and, for the risk you put the nation at, you will be prosecuted.

However, if you return all of the bonus money you took from these institutions during the years you made these toxic trades which now require taxpayer capital to avoid total systemic collapse maybe we can work out a deal on the prosecution.

(call me crazy, but this deal sounds a little more like Capitalism to me)



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