Forum Post: here is proof of sinister agenda of Corrections Corporation of America
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 10:31 p.m. EST by Scout
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when imprisonment of people is turned into a profit-making venture there is no incentive for the authorities to rehabilitate offenders. when what should be a public service is no longer run by the government who should be trying to MINIMISE the number of prisoners locked up in correctional facilities, it in fact becomes quite the opposite because the SHAREHOLDERS including AMERICAN EXPRESS and GOLDMAN SACHS demand as many prisoners as possible should be kept locked up FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE to make a profit as revealed in the latest annual report of the Corrections Corporation of America. Yet the likes of Lloyd Blankfien who is indirectly an owner of Corrections Corporation of America remains free after committing FRAUD against the American People!
What we really need is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM if we are to break the cycle of legalized bribery we have today. It needs to be THE main goal of these protests.
Yep, public financing.
More proof. Must read article proving protesters right:
yes i saw that on another website ! these " people " are fucking vampires ! As Max Keiser correctly says - the Occupy movement should be erecting a gallows or a guillotine in a prominent public place somewhere in New York City
End Vampire Squid! My favorite sign from OccupyTokyo.
gladly! Where do I sign up?
I think you just did...
the Occupy movement needs to end THE SQUID and other organisations like it such as JP MORGAN ( as well as their HOST - THE FED ) before these organisations end us !
Even the right wing is waking up to the fact that our criminal justice system is overly punitive, out of control and spending too much money:
All you tough on crime folks, pretend you have a teenager or young adult chld who gets caught in a car with some people in possesion of marijuana.
Think about how you'd want him to be treated by the criminal justice system.
Then, realize that we have a lot of low level "offenders" serving time and they have parents and other loved ones who care about them.
Get back in touch with your humanity for just a moment.
do you think for 1 min that the major shareholders of Corrections Corporation of America think the same way as you do? I wonder if Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan have equity in Corrections Corporation of America ? Wouldn't it be ironical if low-level offenders are generating income for people who committed fraud who are not even made to face charges? bizarre or what?
actually it IS NOT A JOKE !!
US: America's Private Gulag
" In addition to the companies that directly manage America's prisons, many other firms are getting a piece of the private prison action. American Express has invested millions of dollars in private prison construction in Oklahoma and General Electric has helped finance construction in Tennessee. Goldman Sachs & Co., Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney, among other Wall Street firms, have made huge sums by underwriting prison construction with the sale of tax exempt bonds, this now a thriving $2.3 billion industry."
Every time you turn around Goldman, GE, and Wall Street have their grubby little fingers in it.Those people have got out of hand.
this is exactly why to me it seems so much like one of those futuristic movies we have seen in the past about imaginary corporations that have permeated EVERY aspect of our lives. It's no wonder GOLDMAN SACKS is called THE SQUID !
hey, I'm on your side bro
sorry! Yes I know it's just that this infuriates me. the more this all unravels its like watching some Orwellian movie in a world that is run by a small number of corrupt corporations
DemocracyNow had something on this week about how CCA is running the ICE detention facilities. The food has maggots, women are being sexually assaulted... I think it was Thursday's program -
There's an ICE facility in Elizabeth, NJ that had a multitude of problems exposed a few years ago, they were also being run by CCA.
or let's hope it doesn't get like it is in China where prisoners after being executed are sold for body parts to wealthy individuals. imagine a situation where someone with a rare blood type is identified as being suitable match for a wealthy person who then bribes the authorities to go out and do whatever is necessary to get the unwilling donor in jail and be sentenced to death so they can relinquish whichever body part is needed for the anxious purchaser
" researchers argue that executions in China are organized around how to extract the organs in the most efficient manner. "
Now, THAT sounds like a plot line from a sci-fi movie, but all too plausible.
ha ha !! I have been wondering if I made a trip to Hollywood if someone could be interested in this storyline ? :-)) or maybe Michael Moore considering he is part of this movement?
How about an updated version of Soylent Green? Parcel off the viable body parts and grind up the rest to process into people food that they then sell to the Third World. I think you might be onto something. Flesh out the plotline a bit, create yourself some compelling characters, throw in some sex and get that script to an agent, Scout! Hollywood's waiting!
Thanks for that gnomunny . do you know I've never heard of this movie! but I have just been reading about it on Wikipedia. that opens up all kinds of possibilities! I admit I think about " Silence of the Lambs " and where the banksters should be rounded up and we eat their livers " with some fava beans and a nice chianti " ?!
Put that imagination to good use, my friend. It's a gift.
One thing you should recognize is that when a prisoner is in prison, he or she can have their sentences extended. There are a bunch f ways this can happen, and a lot of it depends on the honesty and discretion of the people working in the prison.
Most states desire to have fewer people in prisons, and fewer facilities. For-profit prisons desire to keep or expand the number of prisons in order to grow the business.
For-profit prisons are a real bad idea.
you are all just one complained about the financial system when things were good, and things have been worse...its just that we have never had a president that encouraged class warfare
you encouraged it by blindly buying into the iPod generation BUYER BEWARE what did you think was going to happen
I have no sympathy for people who are thrown in jail. Frankly I would rather have them stay in jail than be "rehabilitated." Of all the things our tax dollars are wasted on, this is one I can live with.
It's not about criminals being in jail. It's about being run as a for-profit business. It needs to be run like it used to be. When did they change this? And, Mooks, you miss an important point. The more people in prison the more of your tax dollars that are paying for them. Higher population, higher taxes. It's just another way for politicians and corporations to siphon off your hard earned money.
I think a private organization will use my tax money more efficiently than the state or federal prisons can. Prison guard unions are extremely powerful.
They're both bad. In California, the prison guards union does the same thing CCA does - lobby to change criminal law to make it more restrictive so they can keep their jobs at the expense of the taxpayer and the vast majority of drug offenders and other low level offenders who make up the bulk of the prison population.
Exactly. So just give me the cheapest one.
Yeah, but the problem is, instead of working to lower the prison population they work to increase it. People are being run through the system for the most trivial of reasons for the sole purpose of making money. Even if they don't go to jail, they still have to go to court (court costs, fines) and usually pay for a lawyer. It's not a system of justice anymore, it's a profit making machine. Doesn't it bother you people that every aspect of our lives has been turned into a revenue source?
Yes it does bother me. I don't see how have a private prison changes any of it. The unions in place in federal and state prisons also want to the keep the prison population high because they want to keep their membership high.
The court wants to move people through to justify all the court workers. Ditto for the cops. A private prison doesn't affect any of that.
BOLLOCKS !! a public servant will get their salary whatever happens! You're talking absolute crap.and you haven't answered my question about what is wrong with drug dealers making a profit if you are so much in favour of making a profit?
You really can't differentiate between drug dealers and shareholders of a publicly traded company?
Favour? What country are you from?
well the banksters don't seem to be able to do so ?!
How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs
Are you British? If so, why do you care, whatsoever, if America is using private prisons?
I think anyone with a brain would recognise the system is rotten when the likes of Lloyd Blankfien of Goldman Sachs has been identified as having committed fraud and yet he remains free and even more bizarre ,as a shareholder himself in these private prisons he receives an income from incarcerated prisoners who have committed far less serious crimes than he himself has! Get real!
That is irony for you.
I hope you don't end up inadvertently being thrown in jail. You never know when these hungry wolves will set you up so your incarceration can help the shareholders bottom-line!
Obviously I was not referring to those wrongly convicted. I am talking about the 99% that deserve to be exactly where they are.
but if the shareholders of Corrections Corporation demand greater returns on their " investment " there will be a compelling need to wrongly convict perhaps many people. imprisonment of people is not something which should be a private enterprise function.
They don't try, convict, and sentence criminals. The just house them.
Honestly, I bet it saves the government a ton of money in the long run because I can guarantee they run the place a lot more efficiently than the federal and state prisons.
oh don't be so naive! There are such things as corrupt judges who work in tandem with these types of organisations ! wake up !
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit
Judges can just as easily be in bed with the unions too. More prisoners means more union members to pay their dues.
There will always be bad apples among any profession of people, judges are no different.
Bottom line is a privately run prison will always save us tax dollars over a state/federal run one. That money can be used to either place more scumbags in prison or to help the poor that actually deserve it.
But just a moral society should be trying to keep people OUT of jails ? But a profit-making organisation NEEDS to keep its beds filled? How do you reconcile these two?
You can't because we don't live in a moral society whatsoever. We have murderers, rapists, child predators, thieves, and drug dealers that are anything but moral. If someone doesn't play by societies rules, they should simply be removed from it.
Don't forget, it is a lot easier for the government to kick CCA to the curb than it would the prison unions if there was ever a drastic drop in crime.
if a correctional facility that can house 200 people only has 150 " murderers, rapists, child predators, thieves, and drug dealers" occupying its cells, do you think a profit making organisation will sit back and let 50 beds sit empty indefinitely or do you think there will be a temptation to go out and look for 50 other offenders in cooperation with people like Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr? Be careful one of them might be you!
With the way prison populations are growing, I don't think that will be an issue anytime soon. What is wrong with trying to make a profit anyways?
Don't forget, a corporation can have a judge in its back pocket just like a union can. One is no better than the other. I would rather have the one that costs me less money as a taxpayer.
" What is wrong with trying to make a profit anyways?" Hang on a minute? A minute a go in your earlier posting you said lock up the drug dealers? Drug dealers are only trying to make a profit?