Forum Post: Here is Piece I wrote for my local paper...See if you agree...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 8:46 p.m. EST by MarkDuwe
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The AMT, (Alternative Minimum Tax), needs to be rewritten. In 1969 it was meant to require the richest people in America pay some taxes every year, where before that they were paying nothing. But, over time this law was rewritten and amended so many times the burden of the AMT has shifted all the way down into the middle class. A flat tax would be appropriate in this case as well as for corporations. Tax everything over $500,000 a year in personal income at a rate of 50% with no deductions of any kind.
General Electric also employed an army of 900 tax attorneys and lobbyists to beat the tax man. How about we just find other jobs for those tax attorneys and have a flat tax on all corporations of, like 5%? Lobby firms who work for corporations rub elbows with democrats and republicans alike.
The only way to fix that is public funded elections. Candidates would not be allowed to use any other money for their campaign except the check they get from us, the people. In this way our elected officials would belong to all of us instead of whatever corporation or special interest group can come up with the most cash.
The 99% just believe the government should work with us and for our best interests. I do not believe they are working for us and in our best interest today.