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Forum Post: Here are four demands we could all get behind

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 2:15 p.m. EST by seattletom (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's time to focus demands and focus them at Wall Street and the specific congressmen and senators who are blocking legislation.

  1. Demand Big Banks Give Ordinary Citizens The Same Rates They Receive From The Federal Reserve. -Borrowers can’t re-negotiate college loans the way big corporations can, who have access to interest rates that are near zero. Students can’t consolidate high-rate private loans with lower-rate federal borrowing, so the plums of high finance are out of their reach. Those who graduated from college are paying off debt for decades — nearly $23,000 per student and six figures for professional degrees.

  2. Demand Congress Permit Regular Folks To Discharge Student Debt In Bankruptcy. It’s somewhat of a consolation that graduates can get lower payments based on sparse income or employment if they have federal loans, but they still have to repay those loans. If they file for bankruptcy, they can’t discharge those debts, which are like albatrosses. Not so with the megabanks, who not only received a multi-trillion-dollar bailout, but got the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to buy their bad debt and toxic securities. There’s a solid reason why the delinquency rate for student loans is almost as high as credit cards.

  3. Demand Congress Pass Stimulus Plan To Create Infrastructure, Education, Research and Clean Energy Jobs Instead Of Investing In Two Wars That 3/4 Of America Thinks Are Senseless. If the job market were robust, none of these protesters would have to worry. Like previous generations, they could work, pay off their debts and buy things like appliances, furniture and homes. They could afford to have children and provide them decent educations. That was the American Dream. The younger generation is not getting the job opportunities their parents or grandparents had. They are faced with average 15 percent unemployment. It’s much higher for minorities. Even if they can get a job, wages are depressed due to the recession and many are underemployed, working several jobs or are part-timers.

  4. Stop The Hemorrhaging Housing Crises By Forcing Banks To Write Down Mortgage Balances To Today’s Value. The big banks – BofA, Chase, Wells, Citi, etc. – all played a major role in driving up housing costs by pushing high risk loans to anyone with a heartbeat then reselling them as AAA-rated mortgage backed securities and finally, illegally foreclosing on those homes. They’re getting sued by every major investor, 50 attorney generals, FHFA, and even each other! They settling each suit and paying back investors one by one, thereby recognizing the securities fraud they committed. It’s time to bring those mortgages back to today’s value where they should have been all along, and let investors collect something rather than a 50% reduced foreclosed property.

The first 3 points came from Reuters (http://blogs.reuters.com/reuters-money/2011/10/10/what-the-occupy-wall-street-crowd-should-be-saying). The fourth is my demand.




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[-] 2 points by imrational (527) 13 years ago

These may have a shot, although there have been plenty of people in the forums bashing the idea of allowing bankruptcy on student debt. If you support those ideas above, I suggest you get some research/facts to back up your stance and attempt to educate people as to why it would be beneficial to everyone.

I would also like to suggest

  1. ensuring that voting machines leave a papertrail and be easily audited before during and after elections to detect fraud/tampering/error.

  2. Run-off voting

  3. Overturning SCOTUS rulings that allow corporations the same rights/privileges as citizens, allow for corporations to donate unlimited funds to political campaigns, and allowing the government to take private property from citizens under Eminent Domain and giving it to corporations.

[-] 2 points by usdarkops (51) 13 years ago

While these are some good ideas it doesn’t speak to the underlining issues that put us here. Think about it, the root of every problem we face as a county regardless as to political beliefs boils down to who's willing to pay the most money to see their agenda done. So until we fix this system of legalized BRIBERY also known as lobbying this country will never ever be the place we dreamed that it could be.

As longs as the 1%ers interests come before the other 99% of this country things will never change. Who are the 1%ers you may ask? Well I say they are the large corporations and special interest groups who TRULY run this country. They are the groups of individuals who spend millions upon millions of dollars each year to convince YOUR congressman, YOUR senator, YOUR President to do what best suits them regardless as to what's in the best interest of the rest of the 99% of this country.

Oh and if you don't believe me, ask yourself when was the last time you tracked down your congressman or senator in the capital between meetings and offered up a large some of money in order to see a piece of legislation passed that best interested you?