Forum Post: Help me out to understand your purpose.....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:06 p.m. EST by doedoekelley
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i truellly need a quick understaning: I no time to research...
reasons clear and concise ... why are u protesting:
1 2 3 And what are the goals of the grroup .....: clear to the common man 1. 2. 3. The world doesnt know... there is noone declaring the guidelines or goals of this group .. i want to support BUT ... dont have a voice unless u can give me an absolute.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, ( stealing 700 billion from the American people to bail out wall street, without citizens approval) pursuing invariably the same Object, ( to obtain all of the wealth of this nation for themselves) evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,( have you looked at unemployment, education, the state of the economy, social security, our involvement in the affairs of foreign oil countries) it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, (storm Washington, and make them listen, no more Mr. Niceguy) and to provide new Guards for their future security. Everyone is here for their own reasons, mostly because we want big business to stop controlling our elected officials, so they vote for the people, instead of for big business. Thats just me speaking only for myself. You have to find your own voice, your own declaration. I wish you the best of luck.
1.No more political corruption
2.No more war
3.No more corporate theft
Did you read the bit about Iran's failed assassination attempt in the US? Groundwork for an invasion of Iran, do you think?
read the forums, bro.
Speaking for myself - Put an end to the monied corruption of our government and political system. 1% buys their representation, 99% are left with the scraps. Goal is to achieve fair and equal representation of the 100% in government.
2nd goal. Punish Wall Street for their crimes in the financial crises. Long overdue. I mean, in what world is this ok? I don't even have a 3. I'm not asking for much! Just my democracy back and a little justice on the side.
If you want one sentence, 'We want to change the way wealth influences our society.'
But i need to know three goals... to protest is ok but what is the final goal? ... i really need to know
We haven't decided yet, this is how time works. You can't know the future. History has great moments of uncertainty.