Forum Post: Help Me Launch a Meme
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 8:47 p.m. EST by desolationpress
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm trying to launch a meme that could help get a point across to the citizens who like the status quo. If someone out there could carry a sign that says "Stop Cooking the Financial Meth" or "Stop the Flow of Financial Meth" out in front of the cameras, we might get some people to consider just how corrosive and toxic the financial industry's products have become.
As I'm stuck here in the midwest, I can't make the scene there in NYC. I'm planning to go to downtown St. Louis this weekend with a similar sign (and maybe take a few extra laps around PNC), and it would be great if the meme started to spread out there in NYC as well.
The concept is more fully expressed in a teaching piece I have posted out on the web at
My goal is to get this material in front of as many kids as I can, and do what I can to teach them (along with my own kids) how the game is rigged, and what they can do about it.
Thanks for reading, and pass the word: they can't keep cooking that stuff in our home town!
step one. make the title of your thread the meme your trying to spread.
Nothing against your analogy, but a meme is a pseudo-scientific way of calling something "catchy".
rule number 12345 of the internet: don't force a meme. continue the protest and the memes will pop up on their own. there's already a tony bologna meme circulating the web after the pepper spray incident.
I liked your piece. I think, however, you should include the fact that the derivatives and all that stuff were/are really just things these guys made up to bet on, that they don't have any real value in the world... assuming that's correct, of course, 'cause I don't fully understand this all myself.
As for your meme, maybe find a picture of a Wall Street guy or something obviously related to Wall Street and add "Financial Meth Addict" to it.