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Forum Post: Help me?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EST by PepperGirl (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


Im new to OWS and Iwant to help.

I hate wallstreet and how it has ruined our lives

where do I go to protest?

I'm in christiansburg VA



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[-] 3 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

PEPPERGIRL the POSER, nice of you to tie Obama to Muhammad. the only thing you forgot to bring up was the birth certificate controversy. then you would have hit all the republicans goofy fear mongering tie the president to Islamic terrorism talking points against Obama. and it's honorable that you like to take care of yourself and want to become rich like the 1% and that you understand why people want to feel safe with the government taking care of them. POSER, if you want to join the movement, then I'm Santa Clause. please no longer take this POSER seriously.

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

Another asshole post

[-] 1 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

welcome to OWS! glad to have you along

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

You can check out www.occupynews.net, east coast column and see if there is an occupy site near you. There are also other links listed below as well to check out.

I'm assuming you are over 18 years of age and not endangering your health by becoming involved in the movement. If so, you can still be supportive from home if you can't make it to an occupation.

[-] 1 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

thank you, yes I am Adult age

[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

Go to occupystream.com to find the occupation nearest you

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Pepper....PLEASE be gentle in the things you say,,,first and foremost do not say you hate something in general and than especially if you are not sure of why,YET. The truth you need to know is this OWS movement was not the intent when started to hate anyone but to change something(s) within our govt. That is what is known as egtrra/jgtrra (those are abbreviations) Wall street is not the issue.

Now on another note LOVE your passion for it(love it wheter I end up agreeing or disagreeing with what your views turn out to be)..always keep an OPENMIND to what you hear/see/think get ALL sides of a story before making a decision and speak from YOUR head and heart how you interpert how something is said..do not just over quote other peoples quotes/links,etc.....

Have fun and keep in touch

[-] 0 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

I am very open :) ty

I wish to make better

[-] -3 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

thanks. I hope to help put an end to this greed.

I am opposed to capotilism and republicans andhope everyone sees the way of Islam is the answer.

Muhammad has said all the things we say here on OWS site and we should follow Muhammad because he and Obama will help to bring peace to the world.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Pepper, I see you fit in just like all the others "involved" NO clue to what this is about. Your own agends,religion. Your point on political parties. Well you asked for help I see you got it,you looked around and decided to be like the rest and be like the rest. I'll give you a hint as to what this is ,was and all started over and about. People lost track of it and now just go on tandems of their own agenda(s) the real issue what started this whole "OWS" Movement is this ,ready,here goes it is : egtrra/jgtrra ( its is abbreviations but thats what they are known as) I hope you know what it is..ask some of your "friends" that are the "voicers" the "movers" for the 99% in thes movement

[-] 0 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

thank you. what is this egtrra/jgtrra

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

well since you want to be part of this BS movement you should find out what it is,isnt it enough that I even told you that much?

[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, Marx, Roosevelt... They pretty much are all in agreement on the "greed" thing.

We don't need more religious dogma to know the difference between right and wrong.

Also, Obama is a corporate whore and should not be trusted. With Goldman Sachs being his second biggest campaign contributor and a complete lack of willingness to do what he promised, it's a fair bet that he's in Wall Street's pocket.

Besides, politics in Amerika has devolved into a red/blue shell game with Republicans playing 'bad cop' and Democrats playing 'good cop'. Both parties are owned and both parties will fuck you in the end.

Unless we all vote Green, Socialist or Communist... Democracy is dead.

[-] 0 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

I do not like this communist. some do I understand. some feel safe government taking care of needs. I like totake care of myself and maybe become rich :) I donate to some charitys when i do so I don't get protested

[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

Let me be clear Pepper:

No one is arguing for some kind of Soviet-style Communism.

But we need to spread the message that so-called "rational self interest" (primary tenet of modern capitalism) is, in-fact COMPLETELY IRRATIONAL on a shrinking planet and that a better, fairer economy awaits us all. One that has strong social programs a la "socialism" but allows little guy to be entrepreneurs as-well and that keeps major banks and corporations from unfair theft, manipulation and usurpation of our economy and our government.

I have written about this here:


...and Here:


[-] 1 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Hey pepper! I think that if people followed the tenants on ANY religion... well... I don't think any of this would be necessary at all! Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, and ALL religious/spiritual 'sages', INCLUDING Mohamed had some pretty wise things to say... I think you should listen to the words of ALL sages... and I think you could add YOUR voice, to the 99%. Stand strong... you will get the help you need, and more... U r doin great!

[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago


That's basically what I was trying to say but you did it much better.

Rock On!


[-] 1 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

:) I think it is good

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You say you agree with Islam. Do you pay your Zakāt? Every month?

[-] 1 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

we always give to charity yes :)

some believe the government should take the money and decide for us what charity to give to

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

What percentage of your salary to you give each month?

[-] 1 points by PepperGirl (13) 13 years ago

what we can. nothing set. some seasons are good to us.

[-] 0 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

I like me some greed. Pays the bills, puts food on the table, and it buys me some new toys every now and then.


