Forum Post: help Immature teenagers having children that I pay for
Posted 12 years ago on March 22, 2012, 8:29 p.m. EST by elf3
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Just went down to the beach near my home live in a predominantly minority city. I vote democrat and respect all cultures and races. There were groups and groups of teenagers hanging out cursing and staring everyone down and making comments about women and nothing but 12 year old girls dressed like hookers in skin tight revealing clothing (mind all of them had carriages and children with them.) There were also all these teenagers feeling each other up right in the middle of the walking paths. All I could think is what my parents would have done to me if I behaved that way- they taught me not to act like a slut in public (or in private for that matter). Where are the parents? What do we do when we have gangs of ill- behaved children infesting our public spaces behaving this badly. I wanted to yell at them all but obviously not my place. And I wonder as a thirty something how a 12 year old can afford so many children or why they're out on a beautiful night with their children trolling for men and making out in public. It was like lord of the flies run-a-much and it completely pissed me off that my tax dollars are paying for children to live in their own housing unsupervised and care for children (I saw 3 lost kids who couldn't find their parents (oldest was 5) turned out their parents were on their cell phones a mile away. I saw one woman screaming from a distance at a two year old who was hanging over a railing over a steep drop and she was yelling at him like he has any understanding. You know I don't have kids because I can't afford them and I would be a good mom. What the fuck? Why would I ever be ok with welfare when it's causing this? Twelve year old children are not mature enough to live by themselves and they need to be in a foster home with their child or a convalescent home not living on their own in government housing partying and having orgies and drinking/drug parties. There were all these nice adult people out walking their dogs and exercising having to wade through crowds of loud foul-mouthed half dressed over-charged teenagers who half of were feeling each other up in public and blocking the walkways. Is this fair in any way? My tax dollars pay for that space. Clearly a twelve year old fucked up kid doesn't have any resources to raise a child - so I pay for them to procreate - while they piss on it all and take for granted the generosity of others who I'm quite sure would have teamed up on my boyfriend if he or I challenged them for commenting on my body parts and blatantly staring at me. I felt uncomfortable and it's not a place I can go enjoy any longer. Maybe the problem with the ghettos is that you're allowing teenage children to run over neighborhoods. It is like Lord of the Flies. I also don't appreciate the behavior of these teenage boys acting like they were fee to stare at any woman who walked by. What is the answer to this ?
Stopped reading at "a predominantly minority city" would that not make you the minority, and the larger group of people the majority? Being white-european does not make one the 'majority', only numbers do that.
Of course this is true. We've become a society of latchkey kids, with no community fabric to fill the void. So what fills it? Well, obviously not good things. We can't hope to influence our kids to exercise impulse control from the top down, with advertisements and speeches explaining why becoming a teenager parent is a bad idea. Building this sort of society can only happen from the bottom up. Right now America pays tribute to stupidity. I mean seriously, we've become an anti-intellectual nation; and the future of such a society is bleak. Really, the entire structure of our society sets us up for inevitable failure. Solutions won't come from democrats or republicans, they can only come from our "entire" society. I only hope it won't take a catastrophe for everyone to realize this.
Creating this awareness and talking openly about new solutions is what OWS is all about. I often hear people complain that OWS hasn't solved all our problems in the short span of the 5 or 6 months it's existed. I mean, as if OWS has a magic wand, and in fact, this complaint really highlights the problem.
Teach these children who they are...You will not raise a culture correctly unless they know their true heritage and identity. The solution is so easy it's hard. This country made this mess, this country has to clean it up. It is unhealthy for a nation of people to continue to be disenfranchised when the answers to their problem is right before their eyes. They have to learn to regain their nationality, their flag, their heritage and be reeducated to that fact. To uplift a nation, one must understand the truth about that nation, and so do those of that nation so they can learn to love themselves instead of hate!!
Yes, this was put upon them. but that is no longer an excuse for ignorance since the truth exists! P.S. I do believe this is the problem Marcus Garvey was trying to convey in his speeches, and in these modern days there is no need to hold on to slave mentality or slave labels (negros, coloreds, blacks, etc). created by slave holders in 1700 AD.
Oh, and this is a problem experienced by all races, all nations, all cultures. The basic concern here in America is to free the nations within a nation from their own demise!!
It's not to say understanding one's heritage isn't important, but I'm not quite sure how we prioritize this facet of our existence. A little thought experiment. If a people were dropped into a new land, without any knowledge of their ethnic heritage, would they surrender and die, or would they build a new society? Hopefully we'll never lose information regarding our past and our heritage, but there's also no reason to think heritage is an absolutely necessary component of good behavior, cooperation, and building an intelligent society that works for everyone.
Exactly why this nation should know the truth about their heritage, my forefathers were not dropped here or dropped anywhere else. They traveled the globe and were here on this continent long before the Pale skin nations of Europe arrived here. This is why the lies create such disasters in the minds of these people in this country. No, I am not a Native American, another false hood of names in order to deny the truth from its people! First get rid of the lies, then bring forth the true history of the over 300,000 different tribes, nationalities, and civilizations that existed here way before Europeans knew about it and Texas started editing and printing the educational fallacies that have been ingrained into individuals such as yourself... Do you actually believe your heritage is less important than anyone else's? Why keep everything a secret? what are you all afraid of? Now do you understand why this global economic system is going to bust wide is all created on illusions and lies my friends...
Stop funding dysfunction. Cut off the money for doing idiotic things.
Well, hell....why wasn't that done when Benjamin Franklin spoke about what this country needed to do to eradicate the people of color??? Talk about dysfunction.....don't you know this country was founded through dysfunctional what in gods name do you expect from it now?
"24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so (black or tawny) . And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind. " The Writings of Benjamin Franklin: Philadelphia, 1726 - 1757
You all have been raised in a dream world, under an education of illusion, and now you can't understand why all this shyt is out of control. I don't feel sorry for none of yous guys!!!
I didn't mention race, but it's funny that you did.
Yes, i'm in a dream world. It's one where government no longer underwrites dysfuntion and horrible decisions.
I didn't mention race either, but the reality of this country is the fact that your founding fathers did and made sure it was founded on the mis-placement and mis-information and mis-education of nations of people who now divide economics and problems along racial lines and a hidden invisible caste system (unbeknownest to most commoners) Now.....what makes me wonder is the fact that everyone knows that there is something wrong in this country but all continue to keep dodging the truth about this country....why is that? If it's not about race, then why don't the children know the truth about their heritage and haven't learned how to become upright, respectable and educated citizens of this country? So, what is causing all this dysfunction? Is it...the food, the water, the air, the earth, the drugs, medication, alcohol, or just plain and simple..all the LIES and Manipulation?
Yeah, you did. I read what you wrote, you should too.
So what is the what? If you read the majority of your founding fathers laws and documents all they ever talk about is race. Are you upset about that? I seriously doubt it, but you want me to go on some hypothetical guilt trip about mentioning race? You make me laugh! Now...everyone is all gung ho on ridding the world of this great racial divide? So what if I mention race...I don't hide from it either...but the majority on here do and try to ignore the fact that this country...I REPEAT...this country was founded upon conquering nations of people and dividing them into racially degraded and segregated groups....So.....there is the truth... Now, get past that and give a constructive answer as to why there is so much dysfunction in this country amongst the children, the young, and the teens, and the adults.....What is the answer? You can't mend one part of a building without taking into consideration its stability being based upon a solid foundation...This country has no solid foundation other than the continued works of its people to eradicate deception, hatred and illusions, particularly about RACE...there, I said it!!!!. That is how you build good and solid citizenship amongst the young!
If you have a better answer, I long to read it...
give them their liberty back. in the old days, people got married as soon as they felt like it for one, and two, there was plenty of land and trees to cut down and build a cottage. The gov took away their right to cut down trees, (need a permit), (not old enough), our society acts as if the children dont own anything when in fact their fathers, and our fathers conquered this land from the british and the mexicans, and it is supposed to belong to us the children. You say what is the answer? Give them back what is theirs, give them hope.
Society brainwashes the children into thinking they cant do anything cause they are too young. When I was young I had more money than my parents, mainly cause I worked, and didnt have to give it all over to a land hog for rent. I lived rent free at my parents.
We could make it illegal to rent out a home or an apartment, I believe if someone is paying to live their, they should be buying a piece of america, not renting it! This is how we help their fathers, and mothers who are both out working to pay the greedy land hogs who have taken our country from us. This country belongs to we the people, but some of the elitists say that we owe 30 years of our labor to them to live somewhere on it.
Sure some rich land developers wont like the idea, but hey we can put to work one of the worthless existing government agencies to oversee it like homeland security. Talk about a worthless branch. They act like someone is coming over to take our land from us when in fact its being taken from us from the very elitist, bankers, and corportists as predicted by Thomas Jefferson a 150 years ago. Let out government finance the development of our land and sell it to the people, and cut out the middle man who charges ridiculous rates, or whose inclination is to foreclose just because someone lost their job for a couple of months, as banks got their sights on the equity. Let government sponsor low interest rates, instead of giving favor to banks who act as middle men to drive up interest rates. (im watching 80% of my monthly mortgage payment going to rich banks) every month. These banks are not our friends as evident each time they charged us $35 for a gallon of milk when we went over by a couple of dollars. ( a human traight to forget what our bank account balance is). If they were our friends, they could have just made the card say declined with no penaltys, (like they do now thanks to congress's opt out law recently passed). But for several decades, they have been preying on the poor to the tune of $12 billion dollars a year each time they fell short in purchasing some milk or other items. Its darn right criminal and shouldnt have taken a congressional act to get them to stop. Some people should just inheritantly know what is right, or else, we should be able to round them up and hang them by a tree so all could witness sweet justice I say.
"Twelve year old children are not mature enough to live by themselves and they need to be in a foster home with their child or a convalescent home." Absolutely; if a girl gets pregnant before she's really financially or emotionally prepared to take on motherhood then she's going to need help, starting with assistance in making available and covering the cost of an abortion should she choose to have one. Barring that, though, she's going to need a hell of a lot of help and support should she choose to have a kid, and subsistence handouts are only a small portion of that help and support.
I would also second what TitusMoans had to say; what you saw isn't about culture or race or even income alone; rather, it's a side effect of growing up in an openly hostile and degrading environment with little or no support or guidance. If you'd run into any of the teens in this crowd a decade ago when they were the age their kids are now, I'd bet you ten to one that you would have seen them temporarily abandoned by delinquent parents, hanging off tenth-floor balconies while their mother screamed at them, getting kicked around by mommy's new slampiece, and so on. When that life is all you know and you can't see any way out, then unless something amazing happens that's the life that you're going to grow up in and that's the life your kids are going to grow up in. It's not so much contemptible as it is incredibly sad and an incredible waste.
Furthermore, I'd argue that a situation of that sort requires more support and intervention (including more funding) to rectify, not less. Not providing them with welfare or food stamps won't get rid of them, nor will it magically turn them into model citizens; all it will do is cause a dramatic increase in property crime and domestic violence on the one hand and quite possibly lead to the return of blind beggar children and starving shoeshine boys on the other. As far as I'm concerned that's the sort of thing we need to avoid at all costs.
The way I see it, the problem with what we have now is that it's incomplete. You're providing enough money for people to make it from welfare check to welfare check, giving them just enough to scrape by but not really enough to get up and out. If you provide a full and complete package specifically designed to get people off the dole, and then you make it a package deal, you'll start to see improvement: you want your rent check? Fine; then you'll go to school, you'll take care of your kids, you'll hunt for a job, you'll make a real honest effort to bootstrap yourself up the socioeconomic ladder. You don't want to do those things? Fine. There's a sidewalk to sleep on, a Dumpster to eat out of, and your kids are coming with us so they can have a better life than you're willing to give them.
We need to start looking at an integrated rehabilitation and support program, where the checks are enough to raise a family on and grants are included for things like college, vocational and technical programs, on-the-job retraining programs, etc. Tie those things together such that a person receiving food and rent assistance must also either be hunting for jobs or satisfactorily completing the requirements of whatever degree program he chose to use his education money to pay for, and integrate these same services into homeless shelters and battered women's shelters to ease the transition. Reserve clinics and inpatient facilities for the mentally ill and those with serious substance abuse issues, and then you should see a change.
Do ypu believe that what you describe is only a ghetto ("cultural") problem?
I don't. I believe the same or similar thing will happen anywhere children have free rein as in, but certainly different, than your example Lord of the Flies,
Child neglect and abuse isn't a ghetto, cultural problem; it's a problem that exists around the world at all economic levels. The worst that we normally see is in poverty-stricken areas, because the people that live in such places have never learned the same values that many of us cherish.
The behavior you describe is cultural in a sense; it is the culture of poverty, which explains why some well-to-do American men travel to third-world nations to engage in sexual acts with little boys and girls. Those children aren't tax-supported or enjoying themselves; they're trying to survive in a world not of their choosing.
The children you saw survived first, the strongest instinct of almost any animal, then they learned to satisfy their other needs including sexual needs.
I believe we tend to judge other people differently than we judge ourselves or our familiar surroundings. The parents you condemn may have been born to similar children. Such a chain isn't proof of a welfare mentality, but proof that miserable, degrading circumstances generally produce miserable degraded people.
The only logical way to end such a chain is to raise the lowest standard of living to a decent standard of living, which includes . universal employment, basic education, housing, food , and other necessities.
So, the issue isn't really to end welfare; it's to end hopeless poverty, and it shouldn't be your taxes that pay for it; they should be everyone's taxes.,
Great post and you expressed my thoughts exactly. I'd like to add though that it sure seems to me that our politicians should be addressing this epidemic cultural problem by examining the causes and discussing ways to rebuild and sustain the American family instead of worrying about the morals of women taking birth control or choosing abortion. I mentor kids at the homeless shelter, not because I feel sorry for them but because I want them to know a different side of life and that they CAN make better choices despite their lack of inspiration from their parent/parents. What angers me is that I'm a middle aged white woman and most if not all of my kids are African American and mostly males. I've tried for many years to find black males who are willing to mentor these kids and they won't do it. It's as if they feel above all of this poverty and refuse to associate with it.
I think that is largely correct actually. (quite frankly one percent is off in a gated community and this won't ever touch their lives) But I live around (whatever you want to call it ) in this community and see these types of subsidies do in fact take money from me (ergo working poor who can't afford my own children and have seen subsidies raise the cost of housing) while I pay to perpetuate it (corporations benefit off of this because it keeps the poor and working poor divided and allows people to shop using tax funds even while the economy is in the dumper) What if you had to go live in a building with teenagers partying all night, smoking, and blasting their music - you would not be so tolerant. What if you had to come up to the guaranteed subsidized rates all landlords are charging to meet your rent? Working poor have a right to be angry. Until the acknowledgement that "ghetto" culture does need to shift and be aware that is is not okay to take advantage of others to get even - then a large portion of working poor won't join this fight this fight which could ultimately change the underlying root causes. That and the ghetto has to stop asking for even more subsidies from the rest of their peers. I don't agree about shirking off bad behavior because of nurture issues. At a certain point in time there must be a recognition point and shift made that is called self determination and defying fatalism. Do we say yes we feel bad these are the consequences of what Wall Street has caused? - yes and do we fight to change it? yes! Do we point out that they're kind of acting like idiot assholes - hmmm ok but you'll probably be told you're racist. You know in England they call the white trash who act that way Chavs - let's just start calling everyone who acts that way a Chav cause it's not really about race it's about not wanting to live around people who behave like they're on a Jerry Springer set!!!
I believe we are skirting the same issue in the same way, but with different outlooks.
The bizarre, unacceptable behavior of the children you describe in the post is not a ghetto phenomenon; it is a a result of despair caused by poverty.
The working poor, which you count yourself among, do have a right to be angry at the result of poverty and most of all the cause, which are the 1%, the corporations, the American aristocracy; they don't only benefit from the resulting divisions, they cause them.
Stop a moment, step aside from your righteous anger, and ask yourself, How did the economy end up where it is?"
You know the answer: the American aristocracy in the greatest ponzi scheme of all times built the housing bubble on a structure of worthless paper, and when that structure collapsed, we, and most of the world, ended up in a housing meltdown, an international banking and credit crisis, and economic bedlam.
That wasn't the beginning of the economic misery we face. It started decades ago, when the American aristocracy began outsourcing jobs to create limited employment in this country. That allowed them to hold wages down and keep most working Americans under the their thumbs.
If you're looking for a light at the end of the tunnel, a savior of some sort, you're probably going to be disappointed. The only way for people like you and me and the children you condemn to escape our current situation is to band together to resist and overthrow the aristocracy.
You may justly dislike the behavior of the children you describe, but you only work into the hands of the 1%, when you attack them and try to punish them. Attack the source of the poverty, so the minimum standard of living becomes a decent standard of living for everyone, including you and me.
Of course I recognize the problem of unruly children and unruly adults in poverty-stricken areas, though I believe race is only incidental, because certain ethnic groups and people of certain races have been more oppressed than others. More or less, most people would behave the same way under the same set of historical circumstances.
Bad behavior is bad behavior, whatever causes it, but the best way to battle such behavior is to start with decent education and to change our society so that courtesy and respect are the cultural norms rather than belligerence and violence.
Pay for abortions or birth control. Better to pay for a condom, pill or abortion than a lifetime of welfare for the resulting progeny.
Well I think the incentive is to say well I get free apartment, free school, free daycare live on my own and party like it's 1999 - in a sense that pregnancy is a meal-ticket. So I think the incentive needs to be deterred. When I was a kid there was a lot of shame involved with teenage pregnancy (don't want to go back to the days of Scarlet Letter) My mom was very clever about it she basically described in detail all of the unpleasantries that happen to your body with pregnancy like stretch marks, incontinence, cutting the vagina surgically to make room for the head, spinal anesthesia, contractions, sagging breasts like pancakes (Hell I'm still terrified and I'm in my 30's) but it worked I didn't have sex until my mid twenties. That and I was also taught about AIDs and all the various types of STD's that exist. (I have also only been in 2 long term monogamous relationships) See u don't have to be religious to wait. My mom also taught me about woman's rights and self-respect. Never to allow a man to treat you negatively. Point being I had a mom who had a child because she wanted one (not so she could get a meal ticket)
All those things are good. But they require parents or other relatives who give a damn or are around/sober/conscious long enough to give a damn.
Like you said, there was a time when there was shame associated with pre-marital sex and resulting pregnancies. Not so anymore.
But. That said, the idea of someone telling someone that they cant or should not have sex cause is immoral and the idea of someone calling someone a loser because they choose not to have sex are equally repugnant to me.
On one hand we have religious leaders who push for completely abhorring 'immoral' behavior, calling it a sin and whatnot.
On the other hand we have feminism is being used as an excuse to invalidate and even mock moral behavior in women. Pop culture isnt helping.
What kids need to be made to realize that it is their choice. That they should not let society make it for them. Whatever they choose to do. They should be doing it (or not doing it) for a reason which is more substantial than 'everyone is doing it' and 'I dont want to be called a prude/fag/ice-queen etc.'
Proper sexual education and birth control will be key. Preventing sex and preventing pregnancy are not the same things.
We need to bring back the anti-teen pregnancy campaigns and increase awareness about what life really is like for the teenagers who ended up pregnant. We don't need to tell teens not to have sex. but we need to tell them about the consequences of unprotected sex and pregnancy.
I say just stop welfare for completely for everyone except those that are disabled or mentally handicapped.
Can we just seriously discuss this? It is important - especially in light of what just occurred in Florida - I'm part of this movement and the scenario above is the reason people hate occupy (and why many cross over to racism) they think this is the type of culture that will be imposed upon them if they allow us to succeed - our cause is associated with allowing this type of issue to continue - this effects people's lives in a real immediate way - even more than prices at the pump. The view it as so abrasive that they fear it will infect their entire way of life. They would rather pay higher gas or be a servant of the man - or struggle than live in a place like what i described above- I talk to people about this - If occupy is going to succeed we can not turn our backs to things that do affect the way people want to live in this country and the type of culture they want to immerse themselves in. There does not have to be a divide between us but we have to pull ourselves away from that knee jerk reaction to refuse to discuss it or admit the flaws within many cultures even our own- until we stop denying this we're going to see massive divides that grow and grow and fear and loathe one another. We can only co-exist if we choose to listen to each other and bend and analyze the flaws within ourselves and our societies in general.
If people want to judge an entire socio-economic group based on a few kids on the street, that that's their perogative to be judgmental. If they think that letting Occupy succeed means that there will be more welfare queens, then that is their ill-informed belief and frankly I don't waste time on people that are that stupid. I don't know of any Occupy protestor that WANTs more welfare queens, but I know the general opinion is to make sure that the poor have the support they need to get out of welfare, not stay in it and be forced to live with government funding.
The ideal welfare system IMO is just what ARod described. Provide a way OUT of the system and into a normal economic situation. Most of the people complaining about welfare just want to see people get off of the program eventually, not be stuck there for years. I want to empower people and give them the skills and help that they need to succeed, not just keep them alive. That is true welfare, helping the poorest among us become productive members of society.
People have a negative attitude towards the poor because they are being fed lies and being shown the outliers by Fox News and the other media. If people actually took a day and visited the soup kitchens, the homeless shelters, and got some education from somewhere other than a TV set, then they would have a more accurate picture of what's happening.
I assume, elf3, that you are in favor of sex ed in school -
giving out free condoms -
and getting rid of all "abstenance only" BS
Do you agree?
Troll post.
You think there needs to be an "answer" to other culture's percieved "problems"? Look, some people live differently than you. Get over it. So what if a twelve year old wants to have children, who are you to tell them they can't? And if the tax pyramid was properly structured, the bottom 99% wouldn't have to pay a dime of taxes and you wouldn't need to worry about it.
so what if a 12 year old wants to have children? are you serious? this country is going to hell in a hand basket...
Look at it this way, even if either of us cared, we can't do anything about it. It's a cultural issue. How are you going to prevent 12 year olds from getting pregnant?
I agree with you, however, it does affect all of us. I don't know what the answer is, but it certainly distresses me to no end that these 12 year olds or 14, 15, 17, etc. are having children that they can not properly care for, educate and guide through life.
Perhaps that is the problem. We can't keep people from getting pregnant, but we can minimize the affect on the rest of us... hmmm....
stop funding them to get pregnant and stop allowing them to live without parenting. If their parents are too much shit-burgers to take care of them maybe we should have a new age zen like orphanage where children can live and be parented and be safe by people who do actually care. I think shipping kids off to foster care is antiquated and scary there is no one there to make sure they're in a safe place not being abused or molested.
Even if the tax pyramid were better structured, this will not solve the issue since the world is about to become much poorer with the ongoing effects of GFC.
That is, all the anarchist-egalitarian lovey-dovey mishmash isn't going to cover up this problem. These adolescents need the opportunity for proper paid work if they (at the present time in their lives) don't want education.
The bigger question is: what hope have the small children got? Will they grow up at all, having a 12-year old mother? At least provide cheap contraceptives so that one excuse for the mess is removed!
Are you kidding me??? Let businesses exploit children by making them become wage slaves??
Children are supposed to be in the loving arms of the educational system where the government can keep them safe. If they don't want to, the least we can do is give them free abortions when they stay home and get pregnant.
I did not state "businesses". Businesses are there for profit. The government has to create these jobs since business is not interested. I agree with the free abortions and the need for children being in a public educational system.
What matters is to get such a government system working. Unless there is a modicum of organized support for such a government and the system indicated, things will fall back to traditional wage slavery - as is already happening in the USA
Theyre making more money than they were beforehand
Money isn't everything. Minors are second class citizens and we need to decide what they can and can't do with their time, because we are appointed by the almighty to control them and act as their parents.
Besides, what if some kid wanted to work a few hours after school? He might end up with some spending money, or heaven forbid he learns the value of a dollar.
What we need to do is up school funding so that we can keep children from learning. It's working so far! Look at the test scores! Whoo-momma!
you're misunderstanding something there - we want children to be parented and cared for.
And if their parents won't do it the way we want them to, we need to step in since we have been appointed by the almighty to be the children's second parents.
Yeah that's the problem with a sexist male dominated culture - treat twelve year old girls like they are ready to engage in sex? So wrong - If that's someones culture fuck them - I don't want it? If someone thinks it's cool to treat women as objects (hell maybe even burn their faces if they misbehave with acid?) Fuck them I don't want it around me - or my future children (see I'm waiting until I have the proper means and life to provide to them not only stability, but maturity and lessons learned to impart.) Twelve years old is not old enough to live on your own or have children - see in my culture twelve year olds still have babysitters because they need them. Their brains aren't fully developed nor have they learned survival skills or how to repress impulses. Yes and in my world twelve year old girls won't have their tits hanging out or their ass cheeks while allowing a boy to feel them up in view of 6 other boys looking on. This is demeaning and is like Lord of the Flies. If you claim this is cultural than this culture has a big big problem - your answer is beyond reason - this is a real socio-economic issue and I feel like these CHILDREN need parents. My heart goes out to them but I also feel anger because - these children aren't dropping from the sky - someone has brought them into the world and ignored their responsibility to be a parent to them. What kind of life is that? We all go off on our own, we all make mistakes but this is the equivalent of making your child obese at the age of one years old. Before they even get the chance in life to make mistakes, or live, their lives have been predetermined and ruined. They can't go back and redo it - they never had a start. It's wrong. These children are living in an unsupervised Neverland - what happens when the reality hits and it stops being fun? Taxes are funding it to happen - it should never be considered a lifestyle choice to have children so you can go out and live in your own apartment funded by the government. Other grown ups get stuck living next to these children and now they're allowing them to live in elderly housing so they can party it up and blast their music and neglect their kids while they're busy having a sex party in the other room with the gaglle of teenage boys they invited over. Most parents don't allow this kind of thing to happen in their homes - what happens when you have your own place at the age of 12? Maybe it happens when they go to college but then at least they've been taught to wear condoms and have limits and how not to be abused. You see when 12 year old girls don't have parents they look to boyfriends as a father figure they take their leadership from him. So you have a horned up equally un-parented immature male teaching a young woman her role is to provide sex and be a whore and have no self respect. These are things that need to be said - don't call racism here because I call bullshit - I'm not saying this is representative of an entire culture - I'm saying this is happening and it needs to be confronted and addressed. From someone who is not a racist family values religious republican right winger - more like a green party bleeding heart liberal - I'd like to fix the ills of the world not subsidize, thereby substantiate them for fear of being labeled or PERCEIVED as something I'M not.
Ah yes, but it turns out you've drank the last swallows of right wing kool-aid Breitbart ever served.
You need to realize that fixing the ills of the world MEANS subsidizing them. They act this way because they have been oppressed more so than they were in the 1950s. Just look at the illegitimacy rates, test scores and median incomes since then. They were oppressed so much less than, and that is why they were able to perform so much better. We need to stop oppressing them and give them the money that has been stolen from them by right.
People act that way when they have had no parenting and are thrown out of the nest before they have matured enough to provide for themselves or repress their juvenile impulses. One percent of the world IS hoarding the planets natural abundance from 99 percent (no matter race, creed, etc.) we are in this together - I think -unless you approve of 12 year old girls engaging in sex and having babies when they should be playing with Barbies or teenage boys dehumanizing woman and acting aggressive and rude in public spaces and intimidating the general populous while trolling for sex?
Land is the world's largest commodity and determines the entire economy and one percent is hoarding it:
The current tax system is determining who should succeed and how much and shifting the burden onto the working class instead of creating equality and a fair shot. We have no free market we have a system cherry picking who will succeed - this film in the link provided below brought up an interesting point - One percent is hording all the land - so taxes on property are fair because land always increases in value - so even if you’re paying tax on it you will still profit - it will discourage land hording because you will sell it rather than let it sit empty and get taxed and others will be able to buy it at a lower cost rather than create a shortage and cause prices to skyrocket. If you decide to horde land only to create scarcity and fix the market you'll be punished for destroying the free market by having to pay more tax on it. So you wouldn't have this odd situation where one percent of the population is determining and creating the market (because they do own almost all the land and horde it to fix prices and fix the market) which affects the entire economy. It's a fixed market system we have now we need to unfix it - taxing land instead of wages is a real solution. Right now the rich are not taxed on their land - they are treated as capital gains investments and they get to defer paying taxes if they invest it in property (capital gains investments and renting to you for a pretty penny) and if they do pay tax on it when they sell or "liquidate it" they get to claim a lower tax rate on the income earned from hording land and thereby fixing the market by causing prices to go up, rents to go up, and a lesser amount of pay to go to employees or entrepreneurship. This was a very innovative and smart documentary for anyone looking to a solution and who hates the system we are currently serving: called Housing for Ransom This offered a great solution - please take a look when you have time - get some sleep dream of better times (they are coming)
Cant' watch the link, because of bandwidth issues.
I own a sizeable chunk of land, and I do in fact pay a small fortune in taxes on it just so I can run a small community farm.